Sep 5, 2009

A Mug for a Raise

Unions are supposed to look out for the best interest of the workers, but that's hardly happening in our enterprise. Once upon a time this was a nice place to work. You had a chance for a good paycheck, a good job and be part of an institution that did so much for the nation. Now it's a bit different. Bosses are chosen to pay for favors, or for friendship, not for knowledge or capability. Add to it, interesting things are done, such as ordering frugal measures that go primally prohibiting any promotions or overtime hour payments and so on, but the CEO takes the institution's chopper on the weekends to drop to parties and his wife gets to spend buckets of money in publicity. Interesting publicity, by the way, when the papers fill up with articles written by tendentious reporters that don't even do their job, don't get the data right and so would be a piece of cake to answer back and clear the air, but do they? No, there's not a dime spent to do that, not a muscle moved. The Unions (because this institution has like 10) should have intervened there, should have been there and stopped it from happening, but they didn't.

The Government aproved a 1,2% raise for the public sector for the second semester of 2009, when the inflation is hitting the 8-9%. Where were the Unions? They sent e-mails telling us what a humiliation is this percentage, but did they do something? Nothing.

On Friday we received these mugs from the Publicity Department with the new logo, I guess to get us familiarized with it. It came with a bookmarker, which has always intrigued me as people rarely read at the office (and I believe I know the only 3 people who do read) and a small card with the logo and the new "motto", which, damned, it's so much like Tigo's!

Bottomline is, we don't get a promotion, but must watch people being hired out of the street to positions higher than ours, we don't get a decent paycheck raise, nor can we feel really proud of our institution, particularly knowing its dumbass heads, BUT we get a mug. Now, don't get me wrong, I love my mug and I love my job, my current job, but still, this mug came on the worst time possible. Why spend money in mugs when they could have done something for the workers?

I guess we will be getting some bitching e-mail from the Unions on Monday.

1 comment:

Storm Bunny said...

>:-( El Oprobio!!! No es por nada, pero eso sí que habla mucho de la institución. La gente de Empresariales recibe un montón de material promocional y uno con costos recibe un calendario, y cuando anda con suerte un cubo de papel.

Qué pinches!