Sep 22, 2006

Dear Snyegi

I have come to terms (sort of) with the fact that You will not go back to the User Friendly way you used to have before. Why? How the fuck should I know. But, oh well, we can deal with that.

Not long ago I published some pictures of my two latest trips to Hungary on Buranaberry, but all in Hungarian... OF COURSE. Now, I thought it would be sweet to share these pics with You as well.

If I could I would break this entry in two: one about this pictures I took a while ago, and another about a few thoughts I had on my novel « The Family Tangle ». But I guess that it becomes too long, I will leave it only to the pictures.

So, shall we get this party started?

I was there As presumed, the first picture... is the only one I have of Paris. I do have taken some others... but this is the best one. Yes, you can imagine the quality of my pictures, thank you. However I would like to remark that I am NOT a professional photographer, and I took this with my mobile phone while freezing in an ungodly 4°C with my beloved Omi hanging from my shoulder. Yes, blame me, I can't move around without my Omi.

I took another picture of the Palais du Challiot, but I'm bot posting it any time soon... I guess, inde it looks like a big white mass.

Yes, it gara be me.

My Hungary

Magyar Parlament It is painful to see what is happening now in my beloved Hungary. it is painful to hear the Prime Minister you have voted for acused of lying to the people in order to get reelected. Is painful to see your countrymen acting like uncivilized imbeciles burning up cars and starting a riot. I do not condone corruption, but I believe... I choose to believe my Prime Minister. Yes, I know that politics are permetted with lies. Lies make a huge part of the political life, and sorry, but it is as my Personal Message says in my MSN:

« Truth is like a Nuclear Weapon: It is not a matter of Using it, but letting Your Enemies know that You COULD.»

It is not a pretty thing to say, I'm aware of that, but it is a simple thought deduced from another one much more in vogue nowadays and very loved by everybody: Information is Power.

Luteranus Templom My Hungary, my beloved Budapest, has a lot of beautiful places I love and I like to visit each time I'm there. This picture here, as you can see, is the Lutheran Church were our family goes. We used to go to another in Újpest a while ago, where Brother and I were baptized and Zsuzsanéni and I were confirmed. However this other is closer to Nagyapi's place, so we go there. Titi, Brother's godfather goes there too.

I love Titi a lot because he is so fun! He's a guy of roughtly my grandfather's (Nagyapi) age, but he is so lively and funny and always making jokes.

The sheppard of this church is also a very cool guy, very gifted in the art of oratory. His preachings are always interesting and quite meaningful. He always lets you thinking about it.

Magyar Parlament Near where my aunt (Zsuzsanéni) lives there's this house where they have tulips in the garden. I had never before seen so many tulips blooming. I remember I went by everyday and stayed there looking at the flowers, gathering up the courage to picture them. I saw two guys in the house, or roughly the same age. I could be a dirty thinker and believe that those were an old gay couple, but... well, I don't know, I don't live there, and I see gays everywhere. However, the tulips were unmistakably beautiful. Finally I managed to take the picture and here it is. I hope you find the picture to your liking.

I would like to go back in Spring again sometime to see the tulips bloom again.

Magyar Parlament A place I like but not many others do is the West Train Station, or as we call it in Hungarian, the Nyugati Pályaudvar. When I went to Vienna this April, my train, an EuroCity, departed from here. Funnily, it went to the Westbanhoff, in Vienna, which also translates West Train Station. I dunno, I found it funny. For Hungary is okay, because Austria IS at West, but for Vienna, shouldn't it be the East?

Coca-Cola did an advertizement here too. It was for a Light Coke, where a guy started to play a guitar in quite a Spanish style to get some change to get a light coke from a vending machine. ^_^ I liked that advertizement, even if it was stupid. Then again, perhaps i like it only because the setting, and the money used were Hungarian. if it is possible to be in love with a country, then I believe I'm in love with My Hungary. I guess I'm the luckiest person in the world for having been born Hungarian. I just can't posibly thing of anything better than being Hungarian.

Magyar Parlament Many others had also thought similarly. It is said that the Empress Sissy of Austria loved Hungary a lot and that actually this big, pink castle you see here was her favorite place.

I didn't plan to come and visit the castle at first. However, as one day my aunt, my grandpa and and old lady friend and I were having lunch at a nice little place, I noticed a HÉV, when I asked my aunt where does it go, she told me:

- To Gödöllő, to the castle of Princess Sissy.

I had to go. And so I did. It was wonderful. Such a shame you can't take pictures, because there were sculptures and many things to just fall in love with.

It was dreamy. No wonder so many stories and fairy tales had been written and made on movies and animated movies about here. I guess she even appears in mangas. I think I have one... in French. What-Are-The-Odds... ^_^Oh, don't look at me like that.

Damned, now that I think of it, I haven't digitalized the pictures I took in Caracas. That's also a pretty place.

The site is getting trouble to load up, so I guess I'll leave the Vienna pictures and some of my other Hungary pictures for another entry.

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