May 22, 2008

hehehehe... take that

Boss: "Have you read the book I lent you on Starbucks?"
Me: "No. I've been busy."
Boss: "Doing what?"
Me: "Watching a series about gay men fucking."
Boss: O_O *shudders* ... *shudders again*

Hehehehehe... that will teach you about invading my free time...

1 comment:

Storm Bunny said...

I was tempted to tell him the truth, that I was busy reading the Diary of Anais Nin, but he wouldn't understand that, so I had to come up with something shocking, and thanks Hyne I remembered this series I finished a few weeks ago, Queer As Folk (guys are really hot), so I told him that. It amazes me, really, how they think that only because the Institute pay us a wage THEY have the right to dispose of all our time. Like Monday to Friday, 7:00 to 16:36 were not enough. Fuck, they are the first ones to neglect work at the office and to avoid taking it home!!!