Nov 10, 2008

France 12 - Argentina 6

No, the RUGBY, glorious game invented by Hyne-knows-who-but-they-sure-knew-about-fun, is not for the faint-hearted, delicate spectator. If a bit of rough interaction, some smacking, some full body contact makes you sick, and think "it's not a civilized, fair game", go over with the delicate and watch/play American Football. Sorry, but that's the truth.

Saturday the match was something between streetfighting and actually trying to score (points? other players? Isn't the same?). So, it was regular Rugby. The Argentinian Pumas played aginst my beloved France Bleus. They were all hot looking (well, maybe all except the King of the Gauls, M. Chabal), but in the first time, the Argentinians looked positively... "bloody". Bloodied faces and shirts, split eyebrows, cut cheekbones... Maybe they should consider a darker coloured uniform. This time around, there were no pulling-down-pants, but there were many, many foreheads rubbing the dirt and scrum after scrum, many players came out injured. The score stands as proof of the fight that went on. 12 to 6. It's minimal.

Well, yes, that was a matter of kick-each other-into-the ground. It wasn't about the points, it was about setting sore spots and balancing other scorecards.

In any other game, the referee would have sent them home with red cards, but in this game there was only an advise when two players were going to fall onto each other's throat.

"Keep the discipline of the game, okay?"

Like in waterpolo, it might look nice and clean on the surface, but you never know where hands and fists are reaching and pummeling in those tight, all legs, arms and asses scrums.

There was blood, sweat and a whole lot of body contact in this game. Let's see what will we have next week.

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