May 19, 2010

Just Gimmie A Moment Please!

I know I was supposed to write more often this month and since Saturday I haven't written a word. Well, quickly here's the reason why. Saturday and Sunday I was just too lazy, not to mention that there was a White Collar marathon that's far more important for me than blogging. Yeah, imagine that. Choosing handsome men over blogging into the unknown.

Then came Monday, when I was quite busy, specially because at 18 h I had this meeting with the tutor of our thesis (it went smashing! ^_^), and in the afternoon I had this meeting. I wanted the meeting to be at our building (that could have allowed me to blog), but then the ***** people of another area made us go to their lair. Oh happy day. We were the ones summoning the meeting, so they should have respected our appointed location. But then again, not like there's much brightness in that lightbulb box. And so it happened there, at their lair, that I tripped and fell and fell good. Knees and elbows hurt and a wound on my knee like I haven't seen since my schoolgirl days. You know, the kind of wound that starts looking a bit yellowish, like a mashed banana, and that oozes pus like nobody's business. Yeah, that one. Yesterday I had to run to the Insurer because the Company Doc wouldn't do a thing with it - it's an Insurer's case and so it can't be meddled with. There my paperwork wasn't complete (like I put that I hurt my knees, and I had to put 'both knees' so that's clear. Yeah, from all my kness I gara point out which ones), so even I've got treated, I have to go back today with all the signatures on the freshly corrected documentation, plus a letter  - a formal letter to it - from The Employer stating the whole story of the accident.

And so this is why I haven't written these days. Now if you'll excuse me I've stuff to do.

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