Jul 25, 2008

I'm So Efficient... I Just Ensured Myself a Boring Day

I complain if I have too much work (not true), and I complain when I have notthing to do (not true), who can understand me? (I can. Duh.) This is Day3 on the miraculous "Start the Day with Oatmeal and wash it down with sensational Good Morning Coffeeland", drink which I'd like to improve somehow, like with Bailey's or heated Red Bull or something just as crazy. Well, for your general information, this coffee-craze has been doing it's voodoo magic on me. Like I gonna stop? No fucking shit! (Wasn't I trying to cut back the swearing? Bah...) Really, not only is delicious, it's creeping up my mind and taking kontrrol off meselff... Mva-hahahahahaha--- ^_^ No, it's just really pushing me up, no coke needed. (Coke as in Coca-Cola!) Then again. I really would like to have a sip of Cherry-Coke. Damned, why do I have to live in a country where it's hard to get because every ignoran peasant populating it thinks it tastes like cockroach? It's CHERRY, you undereducated MORON! CHERRY! Not like you would know what a real cherry tastes like, for you believe cherries are those hyper-colored, ultra-sugared concoctions (Maraschino cherries, but I know you, ignoran peasant, don't know that either) that surely grow in trees already bottled up and swimming in juice. For real.

I'd love to add a lot of pictures for this entry, but given the fact that I have to post from my e-mail, that ain't gonna happen. Yes, the Websense is still fucking us up all. (And I keep swearing like a sailor. There's an interesting simbiosis in all this.) Anyway, I enclosed a picture of cherries, for general culture.

It's odd how I have tourned twice already to think about András, my former fiancé in the past two paragraphs. I know Livinsári (a denomination slowly washing into one entity, like Samenerick in "The Lord of the Flies") would be crazy about it soon deterring the topic to their obnoxious questions about: what was the first time like? Was it wonderful? Did you love him a lot? Did he loved you? Was it magical? Was he careful? Boy, these older teenies can be so annoying, but above all, so closed and embarrasingly corny. No wonder so many are going EMO or killing themselves these days... or both. The order is really irelevant. The order of the factors do not alter the product. ^_^ So, back to the ex, I was remembering, when I was typing away about people thinking that cherries come in bottles from the tree, that once I had a very interesting conversation with this "brilliant" sample of mankind. There's this thing, "túró", which I'll attempt to translate as "cottage cheese". Given the fact that in the land of no-cherries there's no túró either, my family had to learn to make it from milk. When I was in Hungary, once I made this... cheese from milk. When I was about to, Dear Ex stared at me and said:

"But cottage cheese isn't made from milk!"

... and cherries don't grow on trees in a state different that in the bottle. That particular "túró" scene has been an eternal joke for my family and me for already 12 years now. The cherry also reminded me of András. They had cherry trees at her folks' place. Man, those where great cherries.

But today's entry wasn't really about túró and cherries or coke or stupid people. It was about something else.

My right arm si hurting, and pain is sipping from my bicep to my elbow. Could it be for yesterday's work out? It's odd, but it feels different than when your muscles hurt for excercise. This hurt the way a muscle hurt when you have slept in a bad position. Hell. But then again, today's entry isn't about sore body parts, or this chick I almost captured with my phone camera yesterday at the gym while I was doing my abs, and she was on her aerobics class, and I certainly was in a position that would have given any of my straight guy friends and lesbian chick friends a raging hard-on. Nope, it is about yesterday and something I did, my job, and something I did not: Faux-Viktor.

After smaking up with my coffee, yesterday I set to work on the toughest part of the brief I gara do. Man, I was BORED of it! I hate it, hate it, hate it, as I so accurately put it in yesterday's entry, but with my coffee in me, I felt like rolling up my proverbial sleeves and get to the matter, work it and have it done. Now, I was supposed to leave this bit for tomorrow, but suddenly I found myself FINISHING the entire brief! I was astonished! Eyes wide staring at the brief, I couldn't believe I had done the toughest part (which usually takes me two days) and the last, easier part ALL in one day! OF course, a stack of CDs lended by Marie-Julie with romantic French music remained on my desk unheard because I was so concentrated on the brief I couldn't do anything else. And don't you think the brief was easy! Though I made a template, analysis can't be made only filling blanks, and so I had to go over it and explain engineering things from the statistical point of view, and jump to the ned to add to the conclusion the observations of the case, pastethe new tables of info into the Annex part and so. All in all, I finished it, to my utter astonishement. June is DONE! I was feeling all happy and wow, thinking I would have an easy day today... yeah right. The coffee was great, and I'm counting on its black magic today, because I just realized that I have nothing to do!!! Booooring!!! What am I supposed to do now? The Websense is still on, so I can't go freely roaming the net and looking for fun and stuff to amuse myself, such as commenting on my fave blog entries. For instance there's this guy (real pretty, from what I can see from his picture), who commented my last entry, Sprizouse, who has this very fun blog, which he believes hectic and boring, while it is not, and which reminds me some of my own rattlings. Then again he doesn't use "bad words" like I do. Imagine him like a "political" me free of swearing. Then there's Dragonfly, who comes up with better and better entries every day and YET AGAIN I can't comment on her stuff because this fucking shit ain't letting me. Oh, I can comment on Boeg's entries, though the biggie there is that my dear and beloved friend, whom I love and adore like crazy (oh, you can smell trouble coming, right?) hasn't been posting NOTHING since APRIL! I mean, COME ON DUDE!!!! Throw us something! Okay, okay, he did threw me a bone through the Facebook. Yeah, the same fucking Facebook I can't fucking reach thanks to the fucking Websense. (Oh yeah, I'm doing so good cutting back with the swearing!) So... then what?

Well, I could start the Excel part of July's brief. I certainly have already three weekly reports on line I could start getting into the grids...

ehhhh... like I said, it's so boring that I have NOTHING to do.

Well, ACTUALLY my "working -ant" side got the best of me and I WILL start the excel sheet for July. Damned, why do I seek so much work when everybody around me seeks for ways to get the less possible? There are people who actually specialize in sneaking other people's work and present it as theirs. I get horrified each and every time these human work leeches open their ignorant mouths and throw carelessly around bits of information chewed around by others, not knowing whether the info is pertinent or not. Newbies usually get lost thinking that this is all such a higher and complicated shit and that they don't understand because they don't know "the ropes", but after five years in the biz I can tell you that not getting it means you are SMART because all they say is nonesense, ilogical bullshit. I'd gladly give examples but I can't, however, trust me... it's soooooooo stupid, and sometimes even kafkan. Remember "The Process"? You know, where this dude is acused and sentenced but no one ever told him why as he being judged? Well, imagine asking for strategies and way to work together with other areas, seeking expert consultants and not once defining clearly what's "the matter". Put a pla plan and have no goal, seeking to unify without a unifying objective, without something towards which to tend. Now you feel my pain. (And my arm still hurts. Could I have pulled a muscle yesterday?)

The other topic then, is what I didn't got: Faux- Viktor. Hyne, this has me so pissed off! Worse is that I would like to know why I let it affect me so bad, when I had made up my mind that this was a futile pursue with which I wouldn't not waste my time. I mean, the guy doesn't really hits the measure with me, and his attitude really pissed me off. But then again... well, yesterday we had a sort of chat through the IM, and then, when I went to the North building, I was thinking "Maybe I could see him", and I did! But he didn't see me because he was otherwise busy talking on the phone. His face ain't the prettiest vision in the world, and really, he doesn't look like Stan Ianevsky, has dark eyes, is shorter than me, shy... and fuck, as I saw him go by, slim in his nice jeans, shirt tucked in showcasing his narrow hips and slender waist, the cute swell of his ass, his long legs... shit, I'm made of flesh! I tried to call him to tease him because he had to go out of the parking lot for his car (if he was on car), but guess what? His number was no longer his number!!! That little vermin! Lust and anger mixed inside of me dangerously, and suddenly I couldn't stop thinking about him. Naturally, it ended up with me doing today a small follow-up, though I still don't have his new cell number. Well, it seems he took today as vacations, so he's procuring himself a four-day weekend, and all while I'm fuming, frowning my nose and thinking: "Stupid little clit-teaser. How dare he not throw his worthless self at my feet?"

Yesterday, I was more.... "Werther" about the whole situation. Today I'm more... "Miller". And all in all Faux-V don't leave my mind. What does he has or what strange property to I give him that keeps me like this? I should write a story around him, the character I see in him and so exorcise his imprint out of my system.

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