Jul 8, 2008


Twice a day and I don't have access to the Blogger's ACTUAL editing and posting dashboard! Well, why, oh why amd I writing "so frott'n much" today? could it be because I'm just a tiny bit FUCKING PISSED!!!!! But why, oh why would that be? Well, because the U.S. has been repeatedly insulted MY dear Europe and the European Union of which I'm a proud citizen, but requesting certain data of us in order to grant us entrance with no Visa. But let me quote an article from today's Washington Post:

«The United States is negotiating deals with European countries to exchange fingerprint and DNA data in criminal and terrorist cases, and in some circumstances to transfer data on race or ethnic origin, political and religious beliefs, or sexual orientation.

Such agreements are a condition for granting citizens of newer European Union member states the right to enter the United States without visas, and for maintaining that right for older E.U. members. U.S. citizens already enjoy such a right when traveling to Europe.

Senior Bush administration officials said the data exchange is crucial for spotting dangerous people before they enter the United States and for furthering criminal and terrorist investigations

Go get fucked sideways. How can someone be dangerous merely by his or her political beliefs, religion, RACE, SEXUAL ORIENTATION or ethnic origin??? Perhaps they think all Skandinavians are barbaric Vikings that will go "Pathfinder" on them??? Oh yeah, gay people will go ... forming a new Holy Thebas Army? Our balck people will hunt them down and canibalize them? (No one would be that gross.) beware the entering of gypsies! They might place a HEX upon the country! Yeah, 100 years ruled by the most stupid Government ever concieved by the most stupid and twisted mind. I must quickly inform all my Lutheran friends that we are being considered terrorist. Yeah. God forbid we go again nailing our heretic thesis on the doors of Catholic churches. Who said that people must be able to understand the Mass, read the Bible and on top of that, that they are all forgiven of their sins by the Blood of Christ rather than the permission and absolution of the Church? That God's world is the Bible and not any other pamphlet written by popes and priests? Definitivelly, we are so dangerous, they should deny us entry to any country...

Bigot, control-freak Governments are the terrorists of the countries. Those who seek to know everything and use every bit of information they can steal and hack against people who excercise their rights and wish only to leave their lives, those who pretend to rule everybody's lives, rip the people from their rights, from their dignity, who judge them, label them, close them out on pity basis, disregard their HUMAN RIGHT to be different and live their difference are the true dangers.

You know what? All countries should team up and demand the U.S. citizens to get visas and make the process a motherfucking bitch, the same way they do it to us! All the whole wait-for-an-appointment and pay-€300-in-advance-non-refundable. That would teach them a lesson!

1 comment:

Storm Bunny said...

Here, here my Friend!! They should really get a taste of their own medicine. How about commercial embargoes, visas, being mistreated at the Custom offices and airports as if they were third class citizens! Who they think they are when they have to go to Mexico to buy gas and go to Canada to get free medical attention?