Oct 20, 2008

News: The Pot of Facts and Lies

I've been wondering recently about the meaning of the news and the media. What's the point of it, and why do we keep reading it? It's fairly clear to all of us, that news are partialized and far more filtered that drinking water, so why do we keep going to them? Well, perhaps because we have really no other way to get an idea of what's going on, but do we really know what's going on through the papers?

News are less and less about the truth, and though I have fiercely advocated the notion that the truth itself doesn't exist, at least not as one and only, there's no resemblance whatsoever of any kind of truth in the papers. We could expect, however, to read, hear and see about facts, but facts are fewer and fewer and the lies that pepper the words spread like mould on bread. If you stick to one paper and one paper only, you may not notice it, but if you read several, specially several from different countries, you soon start to notice the divergences. And it's not only about stuff like what goes on around celebrities, where the fact of the Holly, Bridget and Kendra no longer being with Hugh Hefner has given chance to so many stories and so many versions not even all the Lord of The Rings, all Final Fantasy, all Harry Potter, Smallville and Supernatural fanfiction put together could ever produce, but I'm talking about what goes on with this whole crisis thing. U.S. says it approved one amount for the bailout, and Europe says they aproved a larger one. U.S. papers couterattack saying that the E.U. has aproved an EVEN LARGER amount (fuck it, they have more Central Banks, you moron!), and the E.U. says it wasn't even an aproved bill, but more like a proposal. It just came up as a suggestion. Some say this is going down the sewer and those say, that ain't true, and the ones deep down the sewer are the other ones.

I've been bitching for ages now about the abhorrent mediocricy that swallows everything around here, and nothing hurts me more than the mangling of my career. The prostitution of it would simply send me to my grave with a ban to ever come out of it, to the point that an army of angels should come, restrain me and forcefully pull me out of my grave for the day of the Final Judgment. And I mean it. Being so, I can't possibly believe that someone would honestly chose to become a journalist only to spread lies, twist facts and write endless fanfiction-on-demand about what's really going on. How can someone have the face to pretend to be giving people information, presenting "news" of which they know they are no better than some scribbled up story that isn't happening in this world? How can they live with themselves selling lies as facts, and misinterpreted facts as truth?

I remember CNN the first time the $700 B bailout didn't pass, how there was this blonde woman (who could really use a Fashion Emergency intervention) bitching against the senators about how they could be so "idiotic" and not to pass the bailout, that people were starvign that not passing the bailout would only sink the country in bankrupcy. Well, you've got your bailout, and I hear about it being of $850B. So, how's the country? People are still starving. Medical insurance is no longer among the expenses of people, and they are actually cutting back on Education too. Pulling kids out of college so they can eat? Dude, soon all the U.S. will be like a big India, with families selling their kids to sweatshops as slaves and their daughters to whorehouses in order to have a little income to eat. And the Bailout that would save America has passed! The Bourse is swinging wildly up and down like an EKG. +500, -500, +500,-500... What does it tell you?

Let me tell you: The bubble of speculation has bursted. Did you really thought that bubble could be blown bigger and bigger to the end of times? Did you really, honestly thought that especulation could hold itself and produce for itself and it will never get caught by reality? Dude, you fucked it up real bad. And you want to know something else? The Bailout was also sheer speculation. And instant solution for a country of instant everythings. Because, does someone ACTUALLY has a plan about what to do? Does someone has measured up the size and the implications of the damage? Does someone ACTUALLY know how to address the problem? Or is "keep on the war and send all those paupers to die on Iraq, and hopefully a hurricaine will take care of those who remain here" the only viable solution proposed? And the bail out? To buy up the banks. Nationalization. But that's not feasable, because that's a "communist" solution. The State fixes it and sell it back. Really. How long will it take for the State to fix this mess? With what? Taxpayer's money? Uhum. That would take a lot of time. All that time living in financial communism? Impossible. Sell it back to the banks. At what price? Something arranged?

So, let me see if I get this right:

You take the banks FROM their current owners and make it STATE owned. But since that's a market crime, and there was a whole Cold War over the issue, the banks will be sold to some other private hands, after some taxpayer financed fixings, to some better manager. Like Carlyle Group? Hn... So, if my maths are right... you are giving money to the rich. You give that bailout money to the current owners of the banks, NOT TO THE PEOPLE BEING CHOKED BY THE DEBTS and then fix things up... somehow, and then sell it back, pretty much giving money by charging a small Government Comission to another big money enterprise.


  1. What about the people in debt?
  2. What about the people who lost their homes to foreclosures?
  3. What about the people who's money is taken in taxes to help these big-money sharks? What about the taxpayers?
  4. What about all the things that could have been done with that taxmoney?
And perhaps one of the most important questions of all:


Education? Healthcare? Infrastructure? Unemployment aid? Small business aids? Which current social service or social warranty will cease to exist? Nobody asked that, right? Because the way things go in this administration, I very much doubt that money will come out of the Army budget. Am I right?

But do not expect to read of any of this on the papers. It's too unfiltered to hit the presses. This is what the filters catch and leave out.

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