Oct 6, 2008

Who Do You Think You Are Fooling

Today two things happened at the office: one was hilarious and the other was outrageous. Aside from reading AGAIN "The Whole Chicken" and thinking for the n-th time in the last days about really starting this fic where Fleur talks Cedric and Viktor into kissing because "come on dudes! Everybody NORMAL does it!", all tangled with flashes of this new literary project I have on mind titled "Straight Boys Crossing", a story inspired by some of the stories my recent gays acquintances told me about, AND then some I myself have witnessed (to my dismay and horror --- No, not homophobia, please no! To my horror due to the outrageously immature way some people handle their way around facts so they don't get in touch with reality). Names, obviously will be changed, to "someone" should be called something like "Doesn't Get Along With Reality in a Long Time".

Anyway, thing is that a few days agon, while I was taking lunch late in order to escape my coworkers so I can read peacefully the material for the thesis, this woman from the office came by, sat down and started to eat and chat on the phone. We started somewhat talking, and I ended up telling her about the time when my thesis topic was "Telenetworking in Costa Rica", and how the tutor dismissed it saying that "it was something incredibly surreal, unrealistic and I should concentrate in real stuff." Yeah, like the Government ain't promoting telenetworking. So, anyway, I've got deep into de subject, so I have some knowledge on the matter, and I told her I checked the rulebook proposed and passed for the Institution, and it's all wrong. Well, she found my ideas interesting, and it seems she shared them with her boss, who is also my boss' boss. He showed interest and so she called me today telling me that The Boss wanted me to prepare a few comments on the rulebook, and that he would like to see my ideas on the topic, so please let my boss know about it. I started working immediately on a presentation squeezing my brain for all I remembered from my research, and then commenting the most outrageous paragraphs of the rulebook, fully explaining why it wasn't appliable to actual telenetworking.

Did a nice, short, understandable slideshow presentation (understandable to the average intelligence), and when I was about to tell my boss about his boss' request, he showed up at my office.

"So glad you came! I have something to tell you!" I said with a big smile.
"Yes! Has Cindy talked to you already?"
"Well," I said " I just talked to her and guess what? I'm moving to her process to work! You'll remain with L.D.!"

It was a joke, though I do have been planning on using that as a threatening card if the pestis doesn't leave the premises soon. My boss, however, suddenly paled and went more than serious, veritably panicked.

"It's a joke!" I cracked.

Life came back to him, and I explained to him the telenetworking request, for which he didn't pay any attention, only waved me "ok". However before he was gone he said:

"You should NEVER make jokes like that! That was too tough!"

Hope he keeps that in mind.

That was the funny part. The outrageous part of the day was when L.D. asked me, after HIS 1+ hour lunch to lend him my office key (we share one door) to copy it, saying it would take him 20 minutes to copy. I looked at the clock. 13 hrs. Sure, I can go lunch at 13:20hrs. I planned to go to Incopesca, so what the hell? By 14hrs I was literally TREMBLING and COLD from hunger. My head was sminning, my hands where sweating ans shaking, and he was nowhere. I went to my boss for his copy of the keys, which he didn't had because he had lended to that motherfucker. I called the Big Kahuna's assistants, but they didn't have it either because they were still waiting for the asshole to give them back the keys. I begged them for the "unknown keys", which loomed on three rings. I was so hungry I was willing to try out around 40 keys to see if maybe one of them could lock my office, so I can leave.

When I was on my third ring, the ASSHOLE appeared and handed me MY key. I just grabbed it and stomped away as he muttered a lame "sorry". Geez, like sorry will make it good all the sudden. What the fuck people think? That they can get away with murder with a "sorry"? I was pissed at him, and still am. I no longer have no reason to be civil with him or give him the minimal courtesy. All morning have been bothering me with why his laptop has no case. Dude, go get your fucking case somewhere, don't bother me when I'm evidently WORKING! And why in the fucking hell he keeps coming when I'm paying no fucking attention to him? I mean, I know I'm hot and it's fulfilling to look at me breathe, but come on you motherfucker! Go get your life satisfaction somewhere else! Just take me a picture and use it as wallpaper and leave me the fuck alone! I hope he dares not to talk to me tomorrow. We will have a class for four days at the CPCECR, Tue and Thu, but I hope he forgets and doesn't go, so I don't have to see him. But if I do and we have to team up, I'll explicitly request to be teamed up with someone else, or I rather do the tasks alone.

This time I will apply extreme prejudice. I'll mail my boss about his annoying behavior.

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