Feb 3, 2010

A Whisp of Charm

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               (¸.·* Some days ago my friend Dragonfly wrote about being happy, about making the decision of being happy. I liked that entry a lot because it basically said that you are happy when you DECIDE to be happy, when you let yourself to be happy. I know, for many it sound strange, but this is the way it is. It's a topic I've written about over and over almost to the point of either becoming booooring, or publishing a series and becoming the new Depak Chopra (which is insulting, just by thinking at it). I liked her entry, above all, because it was very empowering, not only a declaration of control over her own happiness and her own life, taking it away from the hands of those who influence her, push her out of where she wants to be, but also a declaration of responsability over her own life and happiness. So existentialist! (And by now you all know how crazy I am for Existentialist Philosophy, right?)

It's this responsability that lacks from so many people, from so many aspects of their lives. Those who love to show off (popularly called "attention whores"), who at a meeting would engage in a lot of tasks to look good, pretend they know so much, they do so much, but then deny vehemently they've agreed to this or that and either come up with all kinds of excuses or (the worse kind) place the blame on innocent stand-byers. Those who make a lot of plans, have big ideas, but then leave the actual work on other people's shoulders, those who compromise and compromise and then always prepare an excuse, an escape goat instead of simply keeping up their commitment. Also the people that believe they have no inherence in their own life, or act as if they had no power upon it, and everything is other people's responsability. Their feeding, their sheltering, their clothing, their transportation, their studies (and the subsequent homework, classwork and exams), their job in all its extent, their mood, their happiness, their "chances at love", their chances to have a family, the upbringing of their children... and so on. Just think about it: the men and women that actually expect their significant other to provide for everything, or cook-wash-clean for them. In modern days women can work and support themselves, and men have no obstacle to wash their clothes, cook their dinner and mop the floor, so why to displace the responsability? Or the case of the parents that leave the responsability of rising the kids to school. If the child is insolent "it's not their fault, because that's what the kid picks up at school".

Yeah, I see heads nodding there. You do know a few of those cases, right? The "dying of sadness because he/she doesn't love me", the "they are making my life miserable", the "people is so mean because nobody would help me", the "I dumped my last lover because he/she wouldn't pay my phone bill". And the funny thing is that all of them have a "perfectly reasonable explanation" about why they are right.

But what happens if you use all that energy spent in seeking responsibles and making up excuses to ACTUALLY make yourself happy? How about chosing yourself as the responsible of your happiness, the responsible of your life, the responsible of your job, the responsible of your finances?

And how about making yourself the responsible of the magic in your life? Yes, be responsible of enjoying your life to the fullest. Find the things that give you joy, that make you happy, small and big, and make yourself responsible of grasping every single opportunity to enjoy them. How about that? Many people claim that life is plain, a "river of sadness and pain" and that there's no magic in life, but only in the stories in books and tv. Well, magic is there, you only have to wish it. Don't you think?

1 comment:

Storm Bunny said...

Let's spread the magic together! It's in all of us!