Nov 21, 2007

Dear Snyegi,

Truth to be told, I was quite sure I didn't have to go thought all the trouble of html the entries, but then again, I write to you so often, I have to check the address from my PDA to find you. I know, this is not what you would like to hear, but what can I tell you? This is how it goes. I do have been thinking about moving out permanently from these LiveJournal things, way too many asses gathered around doing jack, plus it would be a nice way to end once and for all with certain liaisons as well as putting a definitive period to the fanficking époque. What was should not be anymore. Oh dear, we all need to grow out of certain things. Wouldn't you agree?

Now, you must be wondering what brought me here, right? Well, I am not uploading my entire livejournal into you (yet)... fuck, it would take me a lifetime to do so, truth to be told, so what else? Well, I received a mail from certain "Clayton" addressing me as Buranaberry, and telling me that he's teh CEO of this and that company which has decided that my blog (this being you) should be added to "I-dunno-what" site because... well, who knows, so do I wanna? Huh?? Say what? Didn't understood, aside from the fact that they might be seeking for people to add to a base, so they can sell advertizing space. It happens. The site itself is like a map of sorts. They found out that my IP belongs to Costa Rica and I guess the "chose me as representative" (just like they chose every single other blog available and put the same, you mind), so I could join their... well, that. I wonder if it was part of some crap, some blog contest to which my friend Shimmy lured me because he wanted to win the PS3. Oh yes, do not mention it.

I'm missing the croissants, but I have my coffee with me now everyday. It changes entirely my life! There's something about coffee, a mug of freshly brewed good Costa Rican coffee (the best in the world, you mind?), black. The best way of drinking it. It takes time getting used to it, but once you tame your tongue to the strong flavor of black coffee, you can't think of it any other way. Taint it with creme or sugar? Milk or sweetener? What a blasphemous thought! If you could, you would take the water out of it, so it is the pure coffee what you want to enjoy! I used to have coffee and croissants for breakfast a while ago, but then I had a baker in my way home where I could buy the croissants. Now I have not such a luck. As for baking them myself... I have never done croissants myself. How should I start? I know, Pitsbury, but really... I checked on the FoodNetwork for the recepy, and it's lengthy to say the least. That dough rests more than a public employee on duty!

Oh dear, my mug is already empty. End of the breakfast haze. Time for a tea? ^_^

It's already 10:23 and I have not gone through the news yet. It's calm in here when the bosses are not around, specially when there'sno job to be done, though there's job to be done, but no one seems to know about it, so as you wait for the information others must provide, you nurse your lovely coffee and think: Life is Good.


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