Jan 11, 2007

Locky The Bunny: Entry for Boys: Techniques to "Get-The-Girl": The Infalible "Trampa Tití"

Dear Lee Jordan and
Adorable Boy-Friends of Mine,

Once again an entry dedicated ONLY TO YOU, since You all deserve it, and mainly, my beloved Guys, because I love You!!!!!

Now, this time, unlike in other occasions, I won't post you all a section full with pictures of nice looking chicks, but this time I'll rather share with you a little trick to "Get The Girl". It's a simple trick, though it takes a little bit of time. Properly used it's 99% infalible to work on YOUR advantage. The name of the trick I gonna share with all of you is called « Trampa Tití», or « Chickey Trap », or « Cicius Csapda ».

This same technique can be applied by girls to get guys, though some "variations" should be added. For girls looking for girls, this technique would be the best, specially if you don't know if the hottie you have your eyes on "leans that way".

For guys looking for some "male attention", the technique also works, but it requires some adjustments as well. Either you know if the Stud goes "that way" or not, and also depends also on the temper of your favored guy.

Now, first of all, lets be clear in one thing: This is an entry for boys and dedicated to boys, though everybody can read it, comment it, learn from it, flame it, add to it, and so on. However, since my main interest here are BOYS, and specifically het-boys, I would be foccusing on « Boys-Wants-To-Get-Girls ». If you wish to know more on the variations for other "areas of interest", I'll be happy to answer your comments, or mails. Just send your questions at hiroko107@hotmail.com.

Now, let's get the party started.

The Infalible Chickey Trap

~ Introduction to Trouble and Why Dudes Bother ~

All my guy friends use to comply to me that girls are weird. The list of things, among others, that they say are proper of girls are:

01. You never know what they want.
02. They never let you know what they want or what they really think.
03. They CONSTANTLY change their minds. What was good five minutes ago is completely wrong now.
04. They get mad over nothing, don't tell you what's wrong, but you are the one to blame and on top of all, they actually expect YOU to find out what did you did wrong!!!
05. They complain that You don't listen, but, for real, they really don't say ANYTHING!! Or is it that you are supposed to learn "Girl" to understand which words of "shopping" and "my friends" mean what they feel for you and what they expect from you?
06. Girls play "comfortable". They expect YOU to be the one lowering on a bended knee and reveal your feelings so they can sit in their hight thrones like queens and decide whether to reciprocate or dismiss you. So, you do all the work, and they do the selection.
07. Girls insist in talking with half words and indirects, and then they get mad when you failed to read a "No" for "No"... or a "No" for a "Yes, but I want you to keep insisting".
08. They don't know what they want. But in any case, you are the one to blame. That one thing is always sure.
09. For a girl it's okay to show interest in your wallet and want you to use it on her as much as she wants, but when you show such an interest in her pussy, you are immoral. What's worst!? Wanting other person's money or wanting sex!!!?
10. Space. If you show interest or concern for her, you are not "giving her her space", if you respect her space, her time to herself and her friends, you show no interest in her.

... and I'm sure I'm staying short at all the things you have to say, right? Now, the question suddenly raises: Why to bother? Good question. I really don't have much arguments to defend women here, but perhaps this might explain:

And just in case you think that's not enough, or you don't like Americans, or blondes, then

Or perhaps you lean more towards

^_^ Am I making you happy, my Handsome Ones? ^_^ Hell, how I love you, guys....

Well, lets get down to business.

Yesterday I was talking to this dear friend of mine, and among other things, we came to this topic about girls and how "hard" is to get them. Right then I remembered what I told a year ago to Jules, and I decided to share with my friend the "tip". However, today I decided that all my friends deserve to know the trick. I'll try to keep all easy, and clean, with as less "speech" as possible and as much "action and to-do"... like in a porn movie because I know guy like it so.

~ Warnings: When Can You Apply This Technique, and Some Quick Advise To Get There from Zilch ~

To properly apply the Chickey Trap technique, you have to have made your move on the girl. So, this technique is to be applied on girls you already know, to whom you already speak at some level, BUT with whom things are not going the way you want. Perhaps they show no interest on you, or they are hard to read, and seem like they might have some interest, but then again, maybe not. For instance, a chick you like but she just broke up with her boyfriend, and so she's in that "period" where she might go back to the guy, or she wants "time for her own".

Properly handled, but misused, this technique can also be used to steal another guy's girl. The moral burden of doing so is entirely yours. I just wish to point out the obvious and confirm to you that, yes, it can be used for that also. What you do with this information is up to you.

In case you want to "Get-The-Girl", but you haven't made the first step, here are some quick tips on "How To Meet The Girl".

a. Many girls fall for the "child-looking" boy. This is due to their mother instinct, but also because more vulnerable looking guys make them feel more secure. This doesn't mean that you have to fall and cry, ask for their help for anything, whine, be a mess, and look like needing constantly their coaching. No. If you do that, the only kind of girl you can get is the bossy bitch that will want to control everything in your life. What you have to do is to lower your face a little the first time you see her and she sees you. Lower your face but look up at her straight into the eyes and smile lightly. Kinda like the shy-meets-playful look.

Look up, little smile and the message you send is: "I'm not gonna hurt you, but I think You are nice."

Don't bother for the "pick up line". First make visual contact, and make sure to do it several times. Either you pass in the visual range of where she is, and make sure she sees you, and always smile. You know that smile of yours, the kid-smile, the mischivous, open smile you had at six when you were making friends. That smile. The honest (looking) one. Around the fourth, fifth time, smile wider, perhaps even laugh a little as if you were embarrased, and then you can come closer and can start talking.

Why not to go there at first? Because you risk to seem pushy. By letting her see you, by smiling at her and getting her to smile at you, you make yourself interesting to her, but also you give her time to study you from far and decide that you are not a threat, and furthermore, that you can look so good.

A piece of advise: use this time to study her surroundings: the people around her, the way she interacts, the way she holds herself. This can give you pointers on whether it's safe to approach her, and to which seduction techniques is she more prone to react (favorably), and also gives you time to decide whether you are really interested on her, or if you should move to another target. More on this on other entries.

b. Talk to her. The best line to start is usually "Hi". Let her answer. This shows that you are interested in her and you also give her her space to express herself. Avoid lines such as "Where have you been all my life?". The chick can come back with something like "Running away from you. I was successful until now, but such a set back doesn't make me give up. Bye.". If you feel confident enough to flatter her, the best thing you can say then is (while smiling WIDE, and pretty): "You have a really pretty voice." Hopefully she's not working in a call center, where she might hear that compliment all the time. Compliments such as "pretty eyes", "pretty face", "nice body", "nice legs" are SOOOOO pick up lines they don't work any more. Also "Nice smile". If you say something unexpected, you are guaranteed to get the girl's attention.

Why, oh why "nice voice"? Because after you had checked her out and smiled at her, she knows you like her looks, and complimenting them would be redundant, however, after greeting her it's the first time you hear her voice, and so, you can compliment her and sending the message of "I though you were beautiful, but now I discover that even your voice matches your physical beauty". No, don't explain. No, no, no, no. AVOID jumping into explanations of why you think this or that. At this point, believe me, NO ONE IS INTERESTED!!!

NEVER compliment her on her clothing as you meet her. She would read that as "he's so gay...". Now, if you are gay, that's the best way to pic up someone you are still not sure "is" or "isn't".. or as the bolders say "is not yet, but give me five minutes". (Claim the rights of this line for fanfiction and original fiction.)

If you are not that bold, you can break the ice by playing shy and a little ashamed, smiling wide and saying "Now I don't know what to say". She will laugh because you are so lovely and will do the work for you. If not, (she says nothing, or says "Me neither")introduce yourself. "Hi, I'm..."

From here go the "securing the hook" techniques, in case the conversation doesn't go fluidly, with lines like "Can I buy you a drink?" and "come here often" or comments on the environment. Avoid sports, religion and politics. Cultural stuff are safe and good. Trends, pop-culture and so are great for social glueing.

From there on you can apply the Chickey Trap technique.

If the girl heats up for you right away and she shows interest for you, don't use the technique. You don't have to.

No idea how to tell if she's interested? A woman interested in someone smiles a lot, her eyes "shine", and hardly shies away from going out with said person. She usually also becomes a bit more active in "meeting" you, meaning she calls you, remembers your likings...

Some ways to make sure are:

1. Before crossing a street, take her hand (eventually say you are used to that, due to your family). If she doesn't remove her hand when you get to the other side, she likes you.
2. When sitting somewhere, caress gently her head. GENTLY. If she leans into the touch, she SOOOOO likes you.

In any case make sure telling her "I like you". If she answers back, (READ HER TONE!!!) she's yours. Women speak more through their voice inflexions than with their words. If you are not sure, tell her "No, I REALLY like you. I think you are hot/beautiful/the best thing since porn channel." It's direct, and she will have to answer to that directly.

Note: don't say "I love You" until you have her in your pocket.

~ A Word on "ATTITUDE" To Have The Infalible Plan Working. This Can Make The Difference ~

Don't go into talking with a girl thinking "I wanna bed her" or "I wanna date her" or "I want her to be my girlfriend" or "I wanna MARRY her and get her PREGNANT every year", because it shows and the girl will be running away so fast all you will end up with is an armful of smoke.

When with a chick, build first a FRIENDSHIP, a HUMAN RELATIONSHIP, just like you do with your friends. This is the milestone of the "Trap".

Don't look at people, dudes or chicks, always in relation with their sex, but look at them as people, and treat them that way. This is what makes possible to have FRIENDS of the opposite gender, and it also makes them easier to understand. If you concentrate on capabilities, personality, temper, humor, common ground, things where you can further educate each other... your relationships will be better, whether they are guys or girls, whether you want to fuck them or not. Learn to see people, not just pussies and dicks.

~ Lay Down The Trap ~

So the girl doesn't seem to realize what a great thing you are in her life, how grateful she should be for holding the interest of God's Gift to Women. It's time you play out yourself.

1. First, don't call her too often. Space your calls, and let her call you.

2. Keep your relation casual, friendly. Even if you told her that you like her and she declined, play cool. Yes, you like her, but you can be her friend. So show her that. If she declined you, be classy about it. Don't be revengeful or bitter or pushy. Girls talk to their friends, and now have a website to publish world wide the worst guys they know.

3. Play "SUAVE". Be easy going, friendly, carefree, happy, smiley, shiny, positive, cool, relaxed, and show yourself "on the market". Don't be show off, letting her know that you are going out with other girls, or checking other chicks when with her. Girls can read subtle signs, and trust me, you guys are big bilboards: we can see on your face when you are "getting some", or when you are cool with your girl-situation. Just relax and act okay and cool. Feel hot, but don't act as if you were Olivier Martinez. Just feel hot and confident about yourselves. Don't look desperate or begging for pussy or a blow job.

4. Ask her out on a date with your friends. I want to stress this out: YOUR FRIENDS. Do not introduce her as your girlfriend, but "a friend of mine". Don't take her to a private party, but, lets say, take her out drinking with the folks, go see a match at a bar with the guys, go to the movies, a concert... The group can be guys only, but them make sure they are no more than five... including you. NEVER just You, her and one friend. Don't do that! There can be girls, but never more than two, and always more guys than girls. Those girls also have to be part of the group, even if they are the girlfriends of your friends. NEVER new girls like your girl. Why? This is where this technique works it's charm:

She doesn't know your friends. When you ask her out, she won't feel cornered, because there will be other people, so "it's not a date", and you won't try anything "funny". However, since she doesn't know them, to whom will she talk and stay close? ^_^ Bingo. You. The first time she will place herself willingly under your protection. However, make sure the situation is such that she doesn't get to befriend much with your friends, she won't have the chance to talk a lot with them (no, not a group of pushy motherfuckers, but lets say, something like a football match where everybody is watching the match, or a concert or some loud bar where it's hard to speak), or one of them could catch her attention, and either he tries to conquer her or not, your prey is spoiled. Make sure there are not many girls or they would desert you and talk among each other, and there goes the protection you wanted to offer her. New girls can group up fast as they sense on each other their similar situation, and so they rather seek protection in each other.

You can control most of this situations by calling off and offering to take her home when you sense that things might start to heat up too much. If she liked your friends, (and make sure she does), she would like to see them more, and guess who is the only one who can take her to meet them? Again, Gracious You. Man, you are becoming so needed for her!!!

Start alternating casual meeting, some alone going outs with more meeting of friends. At the beginning, make sure she meets different groups of friends, so she can't set her eyes on a particular guy until you have her in your pocket.

All the time play "suave", get under her skin, learn her, learn to read her and guess what she likes or wants, please her, learn how to seduce her, but do it all VERY subtly, so things turn and she starts to be the one seeking your attention.

Guaranteed success.

Let me know how it worked for you!!
Love to All,

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