Feb 2, 2013

Blessed Imbolc!

After a year of blogging everyday, it feels like I've never said "it's been a while", and after nearly two or three weeks, I feel already like saying "Boy! It's been so long!". Well, this only shows how relative time is. However, relative or not, my time has been positively consumed at the office, and not always in a positive way. Now there I can say that it's been a long while since I had to work in such mindblowing conditions. Remember when I used to bitch and bitch about the work? When I was with my previous boss? Well, it's like that all over again, and we are not talking about the same person! (That boss, actually, has been recently demoted. The people he had at his charge were taken away from him, and I heard that he's now working as a sort of assistent, so that he can keep his large salary, but by now everybody knows what kind of "good work" can they expect from him.)

The current situation is so creepy, so exactly the same that still, you can't really believe it's happening. For instance, truth to be told, I'm not needed by this person, who is not my direct boss, but's ripping me away from my direct boss, who is an angel, BUT she needs to keep me. Why? I've heard she has beef with my boss, so she wants to get back at him by hacking his team to her liking, but I wouldn't say that's the matter. If it were, she would be much more aware of my capabilities, and wouldn't be throwing at me stuff I have no idea how to do. Really. Not only that, but she's sending my way some really delicate tasks that demand years of experience and a higher paycheck, as they, well, require a much higher level of responsability than what my current paycheck covers.

The situation is bad, looks dark and endless, and yet, a little spark of hope is flaming up in the distance. This is what Imbolc brought to me this year.

You see Imbolc marks that day when even you are still in the arms of Winter, you know that it won't take that long for the Spring to come. The nights are still long, but they have been drawing shorter and shorter, and the days are lenghtening slowly but surely. The world isn't an endless night, marked by leaking darkness and only memories of the summer days, but the balance is slowly restoring. And though the nights are still larger than the days, Ostara is coming closer and closer and soon the days will equal and then pass the nights.

I had hoped to spend this day with some friends, but things came out differently. Instead I stayed at home and worked on an order of 12 lanyarns ordered by different friends and friends of my friends. I guess this little side business has taken off. Now I can only hope the good times will last for a while and nor the orders nor my supplies would diminish. See? There's a little ray of hope!

I've been reading "Catching Fire" lately, and I love it! I have it by lending it from Amazon.com, which is something you can do with a Prime Rate Membership. However I'm considering ordering it from Libri, which is a Hungarian bookstore. The books would remain in Hungary, of course, but then, by being in Hungarian, my boyfriend could read them, and I bet he would like them. :-) Or at least I hope.

I haven't completed many of my tasks from my latest List of 13, but hopefully I'll get around those soon enough. Some are really fascinating, like going to the movies - I decided I want to watch Hansel & Grettel - and others are just wonderful, like drawing, working on a piece of literature - hope the muse is willing - adding to the Book of Ideas and what not. These are all things I love, things I look forward to, but why I don't get around to do them? Because I get moody and tired during the weekdays and on the weekend all I want is to sleep. So, I guess I have to pull myself out of this and keep with my List, refusing to all of the annoying elements of my life the satisfaction of making my days less bright.

It's Imbolc, and like the world, I'm waking up to the sense that it might still be Winter, but Spring is certainly on the way.

Blessed Be All!

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