Apr 8, 2019

Monday is Here

Source: property of Stormberry
After the weekend, this is the routine: wake up early again, do the morning exercise, get ready for work, jump into he car, drive to the office - oh fuck, I forgot the Company had closed off some parking spots to organize the inauguration of some grass spots -, go to the office, fill my bottle of water, get the coffee going and start the day with reading the news. (I'm still in the middle of that.)

Normally my day also includes jumping on YouTube, selecting some music list and put it on for the day. Today, however, I just put my headphones on, but I had no music. Sometimes I like to check some news that come with videos, and it's not funny to have to stop Guns'n'Roses to listen to a piece of news. Anyway, as I was minding my own business, I heard my coworkers talk.

One of our major political parties had its former CFO and someone else sentenced for fraud relating the money that went through the campaing in the 2014 campaing. Mainly that they created all sorts of fake bills in order to cash more money from the Government. Obviously - because politics is full of vultures - many other politicians came forward denouncing... what has already been denounced and judged. This is kind of funny, because some of the people who came raging about this "indecency" belong to parties that have also been accused of similar crimes, or are currently accused of taking money from bribes and setting up a double financing system, into which money entered from obscure sources.

So, my coworkers are talking, and one of them - who supported a populist, far right, religious candidate - went on mockingly saying she was sure those of us who voted for the current Government must be regretting our vote. It's easy to say that from the losing end, but as someone who voted for this Government, based on the information we had at the time, no, I don't regret it. It's not the best, it's not ideal, but it is better than what we could have had with someone hell bent on getting rid of the rights of the LGBT+ community, who has used as shield and excuse for the rise of violence against this community. Someone who would have set back reproductive rights for women.

Little after, this same coleague is on the phone, angrily talking to her son because he took to school the wrong tracking suit. It was something about it being no longer good for him or something of the sort. As I listened on, I was wondering how could the kid take the wrong piece of clothing. Don't they discard the clothes that no longer fit them? Why do they keep clothes they can no longer use? And even if they do, why are they along with the clothes they use on daily basis? And why would the kid even put on something that no longer fits?

She has always been very overprotective of her child, to the point where she spends a large portion of her working day phoning her child, his school, her parents... More than a helicopter parent, she's a drone parent. I guess the kid has grown up thiking there are no responsabilities that would fall upon his shoulders, because his mother will always take care of everything. He can shrug off any of her berating, because in the end she will always do everything for him.

From here, I started tying things together. She believes she is doing an excelent job as a parent, by teaching her son how not to be responsible. At work, her priority is her son, so she often would seek the shortest way to deal with her assignments. She has no qualms about sneaking off from work early, as if there were no consequences for her ditching the job, which she does every single day. She's on the phone everyday with her mother, and yet her mother - whom she supports - complains that her other children love her better, because my coworker doesn't spend as much time with her as the other kids. Her mother seems oblivious of the fact that her other children have shorter work schedules and live with her, in apartments built in her backyard.

This strange, toxic circle of abuse makes me think about her political choices and comments as well. She thinks she's making a choice that personally  benefits her, and likes to act like she is in possession of insider information, that she has the contacts to take her to higher places. Truth is, she's being stringed along, exploited. She wants to believe she's better, shw knows better than the rest, that she's smart, even though her "smarts" are proven only by her hability to take advantage and sneak in. She gleefully witnesses the fall for fraud of members of a party, but willfully ignores the crimes of her own party, just the way she strives to look like the toughest mom on the teachers and the most dedicated one, while her child has grown irresponsible and unmanageable.

Another coworker and I believe her son might be gay. He just "pings" that way. If we are right, how will her mind spin and convolute her world view, her alleged inner information, her alleged high connections when they are tangled with an association that hates what her son might be?

This is my Monday and this is what mingles with my coffee today.

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