May 31, 2021

Masked Date

From tripadvisor

One could think that going on a date with a mask on is a rather kinky thing. Or one would have thought so in the days before 2020, when the normal and expected thing was to go on a date, but without a mask, and today the risky thing is to go out to meet people outside your social bubble, and boy, that mask must stay firmly on.

I went out with a classmate from the Master's Program I'm attending. I have seen him many times through video, in out classes, and only when he turns his camera on. We have flirted here and there, and have some interesting common grounds, like we both learned German and French, and both of us enjoy classical music. He plays the piano and I want to get back to it, even though I'm awfully out of practice.

We have both a taste for the "different", regarding the usual hobbies and tastes of the culture we live in. He does horse riding, and is taking classes - something I would love to do - and I do archery, something he's interested in. (And he has an compound bow, which is cool, but I'm more of a recuve kind of shooter). We talked long and kissed a bit -  I can say we both really, really wanted it for many months now - but agreed to keep on as always, no strings attached, no commitments, no nothing.

Things are just floating in the air, made of ether and thinning with every breath we take, solidfying only in the shape of memories, in the taste of distant music and dissolving away, slowly vanishing like a cloud that existed only by a fleeting moment, in an ever changing shape, that will dissolve and the transparent matter of it with disperse and join other molecules to form or not other millions of clouds, never to be reunited again, never to take again that same shape, captured only in the degrading recolection of eyes that shall also dissolve into the dark embrace of the earth.

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