Dec 18, 2021

Back to the Filofax Inserts (kinda)

Property of Stormberry

 It's that time of the year again, or not exactly, but yes, it's that "time of the year" when you go on thiking about how and where are you going to plan all you need to plan the comming year. Well, unless you do all your planning elecronically, in which case... do you have "that time of the year"?

Most of my planner journey is somewhat documented in this blog, so I won't bore you with the recount of all the details of what I've tried and how did all that went, but suffice to say, that I believe I'm gettng to the end of my bullet journalling days. It was fun while it lasted, but I realized that this system doesn't work for me as well, as the Week on Two Pages (W2P) insert system.

Since mid August of this year, I decided to go back to a W2P style, and so took my dotted pages, draw the divisions, dated the boxes and have been planning on it. I even brought back my old chronodex stamp, and I'm getting the hang of it back again. It doesn't work 100% as expected, but I'm getting there.
Property of Stormberry

As the year was progressing to the end, I noticed I needed space to start planning the next year and pencil in the new due-dates and appointments. And my bullet journal style wasn't giving me much of the kind of space I needed for that. (Filofaxes are, actually, marvelous for that). Yes, I had post its and notes on a page at the end of the caledar, to migrate them into the next planner, but I wanted more. And I didn't want to draw all the calendars just yet.

I spent a couple of days thinking on this matter, and then decided to throw a couple of inserts into my Amazon cart. But I didn't buy it (there where $500 work of books, so...). Eventually time went on, and the inserts wouldn't have arrived on time, so I thought "And if I print them out?". And I tried it. Made a couple of templates, printed out a couple of samples, punched them, tried them in my planner, tested my pens in them, selected my fave one, tweeked it and then printed out the calendar and the trackers I really want and use.

Contrary to popular custom, I decided to go with just one calendar, a weekly one, and see how it goes. I have noticed that two calendars is quite a hassle for me, having to copy everything in two places, checking everything in two places... It made sense with the bullet journal, but not with the inserts. Truth to be told, when I have a weekly, I hardly used the monthly, no matter where I put it.

If I find that I need it, I'll print it, but I will try to have only one calendar (in my filofax) and work with it.

This is how I prepare for 2022.

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