Feb 28, 2010

In The General Direction

I'm really trying to steer my mind and my attention away from topics that would really be too polemic to publish on the internet (and yet take pages and pages, an almost old-school-chapter-lenght sections from my journal). I follow (and am quite really to unfollow) some bloggers who are quite set on antagonizing and breeding trouble just for what seems to be the pure like of it, rather than actually using their free space to spread their general thoughts about life; so obviously I don't want to be like them.

I've noticed how a lot of people on the net, blogger, twitters, facebookers and others like them tend to seek attention through fighting, antagonizing and wearing anti-values and flaws (characteristics traditionally labeled as flaws, and those also I consider flaws) as their banners and flagstaffs. "Problematic", "Attention Whore", "Drama Queen", "Antisocial", "Unstable" just to mention a few. Given the fact that I am 35, my first question to myself is: "Am I too old already of this is awfully wrong as it is?". Well, 35 doesn't make people "too old", but it does make us "chilled", if not wise yet ("Wise" is the lable you are awarded with past the 40's, if you've proven to be worthy of your stars). My generation fought some old values, and we reclaimed characteristics from the "flaw" category and got them into "virtues". I myself have reclaimed "pride" as a virtue and placed "humbleness" as a flaw. (Humbleness in the archaic sense, not in the sense of simplicity and discression, which I hold up as virtues.)

It's youth prerrogative to turn the world upside down, question structures and proposing their own new structures, and we did that and our parents did that, but I can't but wonder, is this time going on the right direction? After all, what's good in corny and in making a fuss about everything and getting depressed all the time? 

Oh well, hopefully they will grow out of it, just as some of us grew out of some of our most outrageous proposals.

A new week, labor week is starting from tomorrow on, and I've my appointments with coworkers to go over some projects with a very fragile future, which doesn't make me very happy, specially since I've a problem-person in the team, more concerned with skipping work and fully commited with undermining activities. At the office we have a lot of those. We call them "The Nos". There are Miss No, Mr. No, Mrs. No, Ms. No... and in large quantities of them.

Last Friday I worked an extra hour finishing a document, which I've rewritten so many times it's madness. What got to me the most was that in this last modification I had to add a lot of things from the original documents, to leave it pretty much as it I would have taken the original documents, and simply made for them a cover. Why wouldn't they say that from the beginning?? Oh, I couldn't just do that now because the changes made before had to remain, so I had to find new places for things, make sure nothing is doubled and on top of that write the "in between" text to make everything match. Not like they would read it. People don't read documents that exceed the 5 pages. This has 83 (down from the original 133, since I had to remove the annexes and add the info into the body of the document). Hopefully on Monday I won't see that project again.

On Monday too I'll meet a good friend of mine at one of my favorite places in the whole planet that's not a bar. Yeah, such places exist. I know! I can't believe it myself either, but's totally true! I would say that we are going to fangirl about the latest Supernatural episode, but it hasn't been uploaded yet, so probably all we'll speak on the matter is "Oh ewwk! Sam married tick-pin Ruby!".

I was speaking with my uncle Jón, and he mentioned that life can suck sometimes. Like I said to him I remember for myself now as Monday comes dangerously close: life sucks if that's the way you choose to look at it. So I hope you all had a great weekend and Happy Monday to all'ya! (really, there's no Sarcasm in that last phrase.)


Sartassa said...

hey girl
as I promised in my letter (did you already receive it?) I am back to blogging now
I hope you could manage the problem with these fragile projects. Sometimes I am quite happy that it's only me who'se responsible for what I do at work. I have no one to take care for and don't work in a team. Guess I am no teamplayer though ;)

Sartassa said...

hehe I am glad you liked the pictures, I am currently working on a new post... it's kind of hard since I haven't been blogging lately. I also want a new design but I am not sure yet