Apr 16, 2010


If you are a Twitter, a good, decent, recurrent one, you know what's a hashtag (or shall I say #hashtag?), but if you are a damned tweet-junky, a tweetmaniac, a Twitter by your own right, hashtags are something slightly different: they are a tool of expression. If I had Twitter at the office, I would be one of those. Hell, I need my mobile internet!

Hashtags are often used within our 140 characters-right, mostly a way to invite others into participating of different conversations, also to help us group up a given topic, and then, some of them, become a Trend. Trends appear on the right side of your screen, showing the most popular hashtags and topics right then at the Twitter. I often find some quite annoying or boring trends, such as.... #RealHousewives (yeah, like those rich, kept women are actually real-real housewives, like they know what a middle class or a poor housewife goes through), or #Twilight and stuff like that. Ewwww... Some are political or news related, such as #Iran, #Haiti, #Iceland #Reykjavik, #AF440, #Neda and such. Some are for fun like #ilikedtwitterwhen and then yesterday, for the first time in my life, I saw #supernatural as a trend. Awesome!!

A popular trend is #followfriday, which usually appears on Friday, as you can expect it, and it is awesome! Some people like @felipezarate often offers, from his followed friends a selection of people he considers interesting to follow. Other people take the chance to propose some going out, recommend a place, talk about a movie, share some sort of message or thought and so on. In general #followfriday is a party-hashtag, ritualistic almost, as a cyber ceremony to officially receive the Blessed Weekend, where usually work rests and the relaxing and partying unleashes like there's no tomorrow. I mean, just imagine it: kick the high heels off, strip off all your clothes, slip into some comfty trainers, or your cotton, baggy pyjamas, pull on a soft t-shirt, wash of your make up, let you skin breathe, grab a beer or a Smirnoff Ice, or whatever rocks your boat, fall into the bed and watch your favorite Friday series. But that's homy ol' me. Picture waiting for the end of the work day, all giddy and excited, with a lunch that tastes better, agreeing with your coworkers where to go, unless you have your fix place, or getting threaded into the waves of calls and SMS from your friends nailing down the details of where will you meet, where will you go and so on. The one workday when you can go out and don't care about how long will you be out, how much you drink, because the next day you don't have to go nowhere!

Beer even seems to taste different on Fridays, have you notice that? It taste like fresh and more bubbly, and there's some strange kind of excitement floating in the air as you look around the room and see a lot of peole in suits, men pulling their ties loose, women stripping of their costume blazers, undoing their tight and perfect buns to let go their hair fall in slwoly relaxing locks around their face, maybe then held together with a simple hairband or a hair clip.

I #followfriday, do you?

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