Nov 26, 2007

Last Minutes Notes Before Fleeing the Office

Dear Snyegi,

I couldn't help this one. ^_^ I had to have you there. Someday, hopefully I'll grow out of it.

I have been moving a few of my entries from Locky The Bunny to You. I'm not entirely pleased with the way they look, mostly because of the changes they are subject due to the fact that I have to copy-paste some stuff I had to put on tables to be able to embed pictures into the text. (My attempt to emulate your natural form into a livejournal format.)

Time is running short. I have to close all windows and get ready to go home soon, too soon, very soon.

I have not really written into my lj, but rather posted the fic I prepared as gift for a Venezuelan friend of mine. I'm not sure if that will be my last post, but it certainly will be my last fic. I checked my "friendlist"... what a bunch of loosers. I want to distanciate myself fast from them. I still get close to Buranaberry, my Hópike, but I want nothing with Lee Jordan. I'm nauseated by what surrounds it. I have to rescue my main entries as soon as I can.

I love this: one date, even if we have several entries the same day. It's like organization: everything falling into place. I'm loving this more and more by the minute.

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