Aug 23, 2010


It is not an unheard phenomenon to find a woman complaining about her body. Well, now a days it's not an uncommon scene to find anyone do so, man, woman, senior citizen, child. It is a widespread illness, this constant discomfort with one's body. Everybody needs to "eat healthy" (which basically means self-torture with all kinds of uber-expensive yet entirely tasteless crap cardboard and foam foods), and excersize (that means pay hyper-expensive gyms and buy all kinds of expensive machines that crowd spaces and make rooms look really ugly, though the advertisement always tell you that you can store it under the bed. How big do they imagine is the space under the bed, and how many things are you supposed to store there?) and deny yourself of all the good, delicious things in life that make Life more than Life, an Outwordly Experience. And all for what? For a body you may never have, an ideal that always seem two steps ahead, always out of your reach. because let's be honest, you are never too thin, once you've started chasing that dream, nor are you too muscled up, if that's the carrot you want to get.

People then have gone blaming just about anything and everything about being the way they are, or why they fall to the other side of the equation and blow up into inhumanly HUGE fat proportions. Oh, it's because of the air, it's because the low quality of food, it's because fast food is cheaper than healthy food, it's because the city is built the way it is, it's because of the chemical products in the food, it's because of the stress, it's because of the genetics, it's because it's impossible for you to do it alone and you need pills. Well, when I was a kiddo, I remember in my school - a small little suburban school attended by middle-low class children - there was only one fat kid. She was a girl in our grade, in our class, and everybody - because kids are like that - stared at her and her chubby limbs and body, and many teased her for that. Back then we were all tiny little bone bags, who played all day on the street and burned all their energy playing seek-n-hide and tagged and other games that requiered us to run all day long.

Today most kids in school are twice as chubby as this girl from our class, and truth is that all inventions and all aspects of life are arranged so that we don't have to move that much. Mobile phones keep us from running to answer, remote controls make the TV easy because you don't have to get off you behind to turn it on, off, change the channel or adjust the volume. Internet bring you entertainment to your seat, so you don't have to go out and walk or pedal a bit on a bike that actually moves and takes you from one place to another.

It doesn't help either that the ideal of women went from a healthy, curvy Marilyn Monroe (picture from the movie Niagara), to the skeletical models of today, who look more like a spider or a sick refugee than a woman. This, enhanced by the massive media attack, with also tons and tons of "personalized advertizing" being poured onto people by the 24/7 cable and satellite channels, more than 1000 to choose from, and the websites and social sites flashing banners about getting thin, promoting the consumist, fashion and external opinion dependant culture, drives thousands and thousands of people to regard themselves as inadequate.

Well, it is time to break with the cycle. First thing people need to understand is that life is to be LIVED, and living life doesn't necesarily means to suffer it. Through the ages people has been tricked into suffering. In the Middle Ages people were expected to suffer, embrace suffering and seek suffering as a way to ensure salvation after death. Now, when we look back at it, we think "how stupid!". However now people also happily, WILLINGLY enter and seek suffering for another "better life after", and after again as elusive as the actual life after death. Some people's bone structure just won't allow them to slim into a boney Somalian refugee shape, some will always be wiry, and never swell up into Mr.T. and yet they deny themselves from what they want and spend fortunes and what makes them unhappy, while chasing wild gooses and blue unicorns.

I'm not slim, let's be honest, and to some people's standards I'm down right fat. Yep, I'm a 9, though lately measures have shrinked again and it seems that Levi's believe that I'm somewhere between 11 and 14. I've aged and put up some weight. Now I'm around 66 Kg insteand of the usual 60 Kg. And you know what? I don't give a fuck about it because I'm healthy and that's my healthy weight. I eat what I like, and don't go around building on salads and cutting on chocolate. I'm 34 and I live my life the way it makes me happy. Want more? I didn't need a diet to get a boyfriend, boyfriend who is still with me, loving me and adoring me like I was human chocolate for more than a year, two years this next New Year. I've a great jogb for whiyh I didn't need dental whitening or plastic boobs. I'm accomplished, happy, and yes, I've pushed myself in what matters: work, study, not with food and excersizing. But then that's me. I not only accept who I am and how I look, but I LOVE IT! and that makes the difference.

Embrace yourself, love yourself, don't accept who you are with resignation, but with joy. This is you, and you are a HUGE bundle of miracles and endless possibilities. Now go out there, be happy and concentrate in what really, really matter, because shaping your body for the maggots of the cementery is really Stupid.


Storm Bunny said...

De cierto os digo que el peer-pressure al que estamos sometidos día con día, gracias a la ubicua presencia de los medios en nuestra vida, donde el anuncio nos sale LITERALMENTE en la sopa, fácilmente empuja hasta al más fuerte de nosotros en la dirección que la sociedad busca, no hacia la que nos lleva nuestra forma de ser.

Discrepo con vos en que la belleza de Marilyn Monroe sea cosa del pasado, porque ella sigue siendo un ícono de belleza femenina. Que ahora el mercado prefiera la desnutrición extrema, son otros 100 pesos, pero que Marilyn es y sigue siendo un punto de referencia válido, lo es.

Sin embargo hay que recordar que al final quien toma la decisión y quien deben vivir con ella es uno mismo. Y si tanta gente, sometida a peores presiones por su religión, su nacionalidad, su inclinación sexual, su estilo de vida, su cultura aguantan y se mantienen firmes, cómo no se va a mantener firme uno?

Storm Bunny said...

Bueno, por un lado así como ellos siguen sin hacer cambios en su aspecto sin importar si las mujeres preferimos los Paul Newman o los Zack Effron, por qué habríamos nosotras de hacernos plasticina para pasar de lindas a anoréxicas?

Una cosa curiosa también es la diferencia entre lo que un hombre dice que le gusta y lo que realmente le gusta. Porque verán bonitos los sacos de huesos de la moda, pero no deja de atraerlos algo más sustancioso. Como nota curiosa, vieras que tenemos acá compañeros que salen con chicas delgadísimas, están en relaciones serias con ellas, pero se pasan jadeando por un mar de mujerones acá que tienen más curvas que el cerro del Aguacate. Y pues tienen razón: será lindo el desierto de Arizona, pero se disfruta más el exhuberante Amazonas. :-)