May 27, 2019

Starting a New Book

Source: Property of Stormberry
Two years ago - or shall I say, "two International Book Fairs ago" - I've got myself the (then) complete collection of available "Game of Thrones" books, or the five first books from the saga "A Song of Ice and Fire". I did intended to read it, but as always, I never really put a date for it. I remember back then I was still friends with this girl Margie, and she either had read it or was about ti, and I've got the fever of it too. 

Two Book Fairs have come and gone since then, Margie and I are no longer friends (I think. We haven't spoken since I called her out about her dramatics, so there is a certain degree of certainty that our friendship is over), and now the saga comes forth thanks to the Joint Reading I signed up on, thanks to the initiative of a local booktuber. I had actually planned on reading "The Seven Husbands if Evelyn Hugo", or maybe embark on "Song of Achilles" to follow then with "Circe", but this idea came forth, and I thought to myself "why not?".

Truth to be told, I'm a bit nervous about this book, because I have not made my mind about the story and the characters, after having seen the series. HBO's Game of Thrones failed to really engage me, and - based on the acting - I was more invested in the Lanisters than anybody else.

As it is, I've found myself in the position I don't like as a reader: reasing several books at the same time. I'm still trying to finish Im Krebsgang by Günter Grass, really invested in Der Vorleser by Bernhard Schlink, and now I add this to my pile. We shall see how this goes on forward.

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