Jun 2, 2008

Again: Food of (Bio)Fuel

The letter "F" has become quite fashionable these days. All the "most commonly used words", or most of them, start with this particular letter, which, oh my, is the sixth of the alphabet, and so considered by many as the "satanic letter". So which are these famous words?

  • Food
  • Fuel
  • Farm
  • Farmer
  • Famine
  • Fashion
  • Free Trade Agreement
  • Funding
  • Fraud
  • Fuck.

On one hand we have Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, the current Secretary General of the U.N. (he has replaced my fave, Kofi Annan) has decided to urge the countries to do something to improve this catastrophic situation, by means such as cut back on taxes upon food and farmers, as well as all the commercial obstacles they raise towards import and export of food. It also includes, though American papers hardly make any mayor mention of it, cutting subsides. Yes, American farmers have outrageous subsidies from the Government, which allows them to produce and sell at whatever price they want with a minimal cost, which puts out of the market a lot of foreign farmers. Funny thing is that this not only happens in the US, but also abroad, where the American farmers put out of market the farmers of poor countries in their own country. Mr. Ki-Moon has requested, so, to cut back with this measure, as well as other measures that, according to him, have driven the world to the skyrocketing of food prices. Uhum. among the things that have to be cut back, and I can't but agree with him, is the production of biofuel. Really, farming land and crops used to make FUEL rather than FOOD?

Naturally the US had to protest.

"According to our analysis, the increased biofuels production accounts for only 2 to 3 percent of the overall increase in global food prices," said Agriculture Secretary Ed Schafer, who will lead the U.S. delegation in Rome. "This is not distorting the global price of food," he added. "This is how we're going to create energy independence in this country. And we urge others in the face of this rising price problem with energy to look at alternative means, one of which certainly is biofuels."

... may I asky ou something? Are you being handsomely paid to say all that crap, or are you actually so stupid to believe that? The energy independence would come when you don't depend on the energy more. You have a country full of fat assed people. Take their gas off and make them walk. Biofuels still have some carbon monoxid emission! It's FUCKING BURNING, YOU ASSHOLE! So it ain't as eco-friendly as you'd like it to be. Then, how could int not be distorting the price of food when it's either made out of food or it uses the land that could be used to make food? The distortion comes from the root of the diverting of the supply, you moron! Don't they teach you that in Harvard, or Princeton or whatever fucking top money Ivy-League University? Say what. You go to a cheap State University instead and MAYBE you'll pick up some knowledge. How about that?

People should really lay off cars, and it might be difficult to go one on one, moving to bikes and stuff, but if it is in the hands of the Government, they really should go and do it. We all know that taking the Americans' cars is like castrating them, but they must learn that the balls and cock are attached to their body, made of flesh, not a mechanical appendix.

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