Dec 3, 2007

The Fine Art of Not Being Informed

When you don't know something SHUT THE FUCK UP! It's a very, very wise advise, you see, one people should try to follow more often. Not like they will, but they should. This is particularly true for certain hierarchy levels in certain organizations. I happen to know one for which it would apply wonderfully. Then again, if these people would to keep their TRAP shut when they have no idea whatsoever, they would never open their mouths. Not like that would be a loss at any rate. The world would certainly be a better place.

In a place like this, everything runs around in the form of rumors. Some are true, some are false and it's hard to make them apart. Truth is also, that in here the Superior Levels are subject to violent mood swings and with them, whimsical changes of mind. so, indeed, only because some rumour never saw the light, it doesn't mean it was fake. Just like they change their minds on daily basis about the priority of services to develop, they also change their minds constantly about the fate of the departments and the enterprise's general organization. We have been hearing for a while about a major reorganization coming for next year, which is certainly "troubling" or at least a very bad sign, since the last reorganization was done last year. As in December of last year. So, a year into the "genius" of e-Tom has proved to be a fucked up move. Well all knew that, specially when the whole fuck was more about giving promotions and taking status from handpicked people. There was a BIG display of advertizing effort to sell the idea to people, which of course no one bought, since, really, people ain't that stupid. So, now they have to bicker back.

Then, what happened today?

07:00 hrs> JDCD summons us to the Meeting Room 1. Funny, he had to come twice to finally get us moving. Talk about a boss with no leadership whatsoever, who doesn't even have what it takes to command the respect of his peers or subalterns. We all dragged ourselves there to hear the "important news". *rolls her eyes*

  1. The Division Party will be moved to this Friday, for those of us who wish to attend. No one wants to go. We said so from the very beginning.
  2. The Director (Adolfo Arias) is very pleased with the results of the Division, therefore we will continue working, since we are really so good, and have been working so well. Well, thre bosses, in their infinite wisdom, had to explain AA what are we to do, so the Network Area will be removed, so we are no longer measured for the Network part, but for the development. Honestly, what the FUCK have we been advancing? Have done more useless chronograms than any other division? Fuck it. All our work has been either stopped or fucked up by the bosses themselves, so no come to me no shit fucking here about how fucking well we are doing because I know better, motherfucker, and I can tell you, no fucking SHIT has been done in a whole fucking year. And whatever sits on your fucking desk is as useless as a toothpic for newborns.
  3. Is it true that we are going to be sent to Forum? The boss' answer: can't say yes, can't say no... blah blah blah blah...
Here comes a really shitty speech about how you have to love what you do, oddly spiced with the saying: "If you wait for the job you want, you will never work", AND if we really love our work it won't matter where we have to go to do it. Because he remembers he started in "building maintenance", not like us, already in nice, "upper class" positions... My mind drifted away thiking:

"So, this is another useless fuck who started as a cleaning ass who climbed up to a position he can't posses for his mind remained as that of a 'fix-it-ass'. That explains, of course, why is he so utterly stupid."

Sure, people can improve in their lives, BUT climbing positions require to also climb in your thinking, in your attitude, your education and your understanding. However, in here, where people climb through friends, they never get the proper rubbing, the accurate polishing of the character in order to fill a position fully, in all that it involves. I have known people who have come from low positions, that have grown and groomed into higher positions. Sadly, all those are in the BPDC. Guido Ovares filled his positions pretty well, and well, Rodolfo Brenes is the star in my heart, a man who has known how to make himself an raise from a very humble position to a magnificent Management post in which his hold, his pose is so natural, so becoming, so disarming and undisputed as if he had been born there. His charm, his charisma, his natural leadership has been forged through the years.

That's culture, that's effort, that's a man on his making. I admire him and look up to him. That's what a leader, a boss, a Manager should be. Not these... rotten attempts at leadership.

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