May 16, 2008

Fag to the Rag

My friend Sandy, from South Africa said that my Haiko Pet, Locky Schönenreese, an adult gay bunny is quite a queer. Maybe too much "Queer as Folk" for us. I wouldn't say my pet is outrageously queery, but truth is that there ain't much nice options when it comes to pets and stuff for pets on this particular application. You have either blue or pink scarfs, and after I fought to have scarves for the pets, I was quite bound to get one for Locky. Now, Locky is BLUE, which doesn't make me happy because Blue and I don't get along. However, a blue bunny with blue a blue scarf would look... weird. Then again, I want to make him comfortable, and I ain't one to stand a poor pet out in the winter with no clothes, so I gave him his scarf to wear and a matching hat. He looks good like that. As for the wings, he had them there stashed for a while now, and it was time to put them back again, don't you think?

This app is really limiting.

Then I was thinking, what makes a pet "outrageously gay", and by default, what makes a person outrageously gay. We have a coworker here who is quite effeminate, but would hardly come out to any of us. It's not in the way he dresses, since I believe he dresses quite like everybody else, but more in the way he acts and how he moves and speaks. He has that "queery quality". It's fun because last time I checked, I believed that being "gay" was about "sexual orientation", not about how you dress. Then, I might be mistaken. Maybe whom you want to fuck affects your way of life. Your lifestyle is defined by whom you want to fuck. The way you behave is defined by whom you want to fuck. The way you think, you move, you dress, you speak, you eat, you choose, you laught, you chew, you buy, you drink, you smoke, you wipe your nose, you pick up the phone, you listen to music... all is defined by who you want to fuck. Shit, that damned motherfucker has some power upon us, don't you think?

I think we msut rethink and redefine the concepts we speak with, because stuff ain't fitting anymore.

1 comment:

Storm Bunny said...

Well... he IS gay. Has much of my personality, and I wanted a boy-bunny and also wanted him unique, something different from what most people would normally make a pet to be. I thought he would be banned, but so far they have let him be, crazy and horny as he is, Rugby-crazed and energetic. ^_^ I'm happy you love him!