May 16, 2008

The Suicide Teen Case

To my horror I read in the newspapers that Lori Drew has been indicted in the case of Megan Meier's death. If you remember, this is the case of a teen girl who commited suicide after her Internet boyfriend broke up with her and told her that the world would be a better place without her. It happened to be that this boyfriend wasn't really a "boy", but a character created in the Internet by a neightbour, Ms. Lori Drew. A little of quick history, it is said that Megan and Ms. Drew's daughter were friends until Megan decided that the Drew girl wasn't good enough for her new group of friends and dumped her. This upset the Drew girl, who told her mother. It is said that Megan spread malicious rumors about the Drew girl too. Other parents would say to their kids:

"Hey, that Megan is a bitch. Don't pay attention to her."

Personally, I would say to my kid:

"Don't get mad, Baby, get even."

Ms. Drew did what she believed to be the best, or who the fuck knows what she believed, but she wanted to get even. So she did what every fucking body in the Internet does: she created a character to do her job. She sought a way to get to Megan the way Megan got to ger daughter and then give her a taste of her own medicine. It wasn't like she went out there to kill the girl, that the girl did by her very own, and maybe even with the moral support and emotional help of her parents. Indeed Ms. Drew did a very immature thing, but if people would get indicted for being immature, then everybody should be in jail. However, this woman is getting indicted for something more than the 90% of the Internet users do: create an Internet personality. Seriously, what's so fucking wrong about that? Look at the Facebook, for instance: there are people with more than one profile, putting all kinds of fake pictures and even harassing other users. Are they getting indicted? No. Furthermore, do users go killing themselves? No, and if they do, nobody cares. Everybody knows there's a degree of lying in the Internet, in everybody you meet, and even if they are completely honest, you don't believe all they write because most people lie, and you have no means to get to know the truth. If Megan wasn't aware of this or wouldn't admit to it, it was much her own problem.

I believe that if they go prosecuting Ms. Drew, they should go one by one prosecuting everybody who uses the internet creating bogus profiles and saying mean stuff to people. I could put up a list to help, if you want. But all that is bullshit. They are merely trying to fry Ms. Drew for something that was entirely a Meier fault.

I wonder, what would have happened if Josh were real. Would they indict him? Based on what? Because at the end of the day it's all about Megan killing herself. But what killed her? "Josh" breaking up with her or more her low self esteem, which Mrs. Meier aknowledged her daughter suffered from since her childhood, to which added as defusing devise her own mother not listening to her? The "Josh" character made her cry, but her mother's unability to comfort her, talk to her was what ultimately sent her upstairs to hang herself. How can a decent parent watch his or her own kid struggle with low self esteem and do nothing?

If you ask me who killed Megan Meier, I have an answer for you: The Meiers.

I hope fervishly that Mr. Drew gets absolved of this ridiculous indictment.

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