Jan 14, 2010

Shame to Christians

I think I was actually going to write about something else, but this really deserves my attention, basically due to the outrageous nature of it.

Around the world, there are thousands and thousands of people who actually believe in things like prophecies of the end of the world (like that one of the world ending in 1996, because Nostradamus said so, or this new batch thinking that the world will end in 2012 because the Mayans and a movie said so, and so on), as well as people who do believe that natural phenomenons are God's way to punish people. Yep, in this age, 10 years into the XXIst century, and there's people with the analytic capability of a caveman. So is Pat Robertson, host of the Christian show "700 Club".

He blames Katrina Hurricane on the legalization of the abortion in the U.S., and this current disaster in Haiti on an alleged "pact with the Devil" forged to get the island free from the French. Hn, wonter what's the Sin behind the 2004 Tsunami (known also as the Asian Tsunami, the Indian Ocean Tsunami).

First of all, any midly literate human being, who simply reads the headlines, see an add, gets on the net, knows that, yes, these disasters are our fault (or at least  some of them) because of the climatic change our irresponsible poluting of the environment. We still use more electrical power than needed, still waste water "because we can pay it" and completely disregard the amount of waste we dispose, the amount of carbon monoxid we generate, and so yes, forests die, icebergs and snow blankets melt, wildlife dies and so do we. Others, like earthquakes HAPPEN. I mean, if you are not set in believing that the Bible holds far more acurate historical data than science, geology in this case, you may remember that once upon a time there was ONE Continent: Pangaea. It the broke in two, and then it broke again, the pieces drifted away and so we have our current global topography. Now, this "breaking" wasn't made with a kitchen knife, nor was it because God was punishing the dinosaurs: it happened because that's how the planet behaves. Naturally, in all these years, the planet hasn't been staying nice and still, but it continued shifting. That shifting is called "earthquakes".

So no, no God whipping the world into shape. I mean, after all,what kind of god does he think God is, that punishes the poor people and yet let the abusive, powerful ones get away with murder? Why on Earth would God punish the poor people of New Orléans for the legalization of abortion in the U.S. and not the lawmakers who drew up and passed it? Or why only New Orléans, when around the world other countries have legalized it?

Blaming natural disasters on "the will of the gods" or as "punishment for sins" comes from the time when people had no idea why these phenomenons happened. Now we know, so resourcing to them is plain stupid. However what's despicable is pointing a finger, blame and pretty much say "you deserve it" to people suffering from something that's clearly not their fault and they had no way to prepare for it or foresee it in any way. That's outrageous.

I'd like to kindly request Mr. Robertson to quit calling himself "Christian", for our religion is one based on Love and Mercy. I may not be a regular church goer, nor a Bible thumbler, but I do have present in my heart Jesus' message: "love your fellows as you love yourself". God is a god of love and mercy. He doesn't punish us, but we are subject to the consequences of our actions: we reap what we sow. Someone capable of speaking such hineous words, when the news flood us with pictures of pain and devastation, wounded children in the arms of their parents (or I hope those are their relative, may Gad protect their innocent souls) shall now bear the name of "Christian", not the name of "Human".

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