Mar 31, 2010

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!

Why is it that liars can't stop with their stories, and make them go bigger and bigger, and it explodes in their faces, and yet they don't stop? This happened to a friend of mine, who taking advantage of the fact that she knows some people in some known spheras, started pretending to know them better that she actually does, AND then pretended to know celebrities as well. For a while now most of her friends realized that she is lying up and down, specially when strange things appeared to happen, such as she allegedly getting involved with a singer, but inspite of being in a relationship with him, she never introduced him to us (and we all know the real reason for that, don't we?). In her delusion she insisted he wanted to marry her, but that she wasn't ready (she's over her 50's, at this age is not as much a matter of being ready, I think, but being into it or not), so she kept postponing it. He wanted her to leave her job and join him in his many tours around the world, which was really strange, as the guy didn't have all that many tours. He flew in one day, stayed a few and then left in another, always going to Caracas, which was really strange, because allegedly he came in a commercial flight, and I happen to know the schedule of the only flight to Caracas (it's the one I take, and there's only that one...) Then she flying for the weekend to Italy, to Spain, to Caracas... and there's no way she flies in to Europe on Saturday, and arrives that same day. I mean, I would know, wouldn't I?

Stories were very unbelievable and contradictory before too, as she claims to have had a fiancé in Argentina, with whom she lived, then a couple of boyfriends here and one day she tells me that she has only been with a friend of us, a former lawmaker.

She's suddenly friend and best friend of a lot of celebrities, and so when a rumor circulates about them, she vehemently denies it, claming that she knows him or her so very well and him or her already told her the truth. Same goes with her politician friends. At the begining she knows them for years now and they are all so smart and honest and humble, and she even tells stories nobody believes anymore, but then, as things are undeniable, she starts changing her story, fitting it, until she says she has never supported them (even if she has requested your support at the begining). This happened with the outcoming president, who's a pig of the size of Russia and China together, and yet she did dare to claim that his only interest was the good fo the country, now saying that he's such a good, innocent person, who has been manipulated by his evil brother just because he's a natural son of his father (fact she earlier vehemently denied)

Her last lie fell yesterday soundly. Claiming to know Ricky Martin personally, she was mad that people said he's gay because he's not, and he has presented her his fiancée, and adorable young lady, lawyer, whom he was going to marry in secret, but that he choose to not clarify the mess because of the bigger market that gave him. Yesterday papers printed the truth: he is gay. So, the intimate friend was right? Specially when nobody asked her whether he's gay or not, because, dude, he's a singer and the only thing people care about is his music?

Now she speaks highly of this and that politician. Now she says she's breaking up with her super-famous boyfriend because someone "send her pictures of him with another woman" (yes, because we all live in Dynasty), now she vouches for the honestly of publicly pointed out dishonest people. Where's the worth of her word? Furthermore, of every word out of her mouth is a lie, why would anyone wish to sit down and talk to her?

I know lies are sometimes necessary, but you must choose when a lie can buy you time or save your ass (after which you must run to cover and make that lie a truth), and when it's just a sport and will blow in your face.


Sartassa said...

What a story, I kind of enjoyed reading about this woman. It was so bizarre. I never knew a person like this though of course I met a few liars. None of them were this crazy. Wow.

Storm Bunny said...

It's not a pleasant thing to know people like this, because they are very prone to dramatic outbursts and making scenes. I mean, they can provide you with excelent material for entries, but in the real life, they make you go Jack Bauer inventing ways to get rid of them. She's nice, when she's not lying, but lately either her life is so plain or she's so plain that she needs to "spice up" her encounters with loads of fantasy, and these are simply boring.

Have been thinking about telling her a story about "a friend" who got recently busted on international news about all the lies she says, and how depressive people like that is, because everybody knows when they are lying.