Jun 9, 2019

Perfect Sunday

Source: Property of Stormberry
Today I met with my friends Shimmy and Are for brunch. You have no idea how I've been wanting to have brunch with friends. Originally I had intended to have brunch this weekend with another friend from the booktube community, but things didn't quite go as planned, and we didn't meet at all. That I am sad about, because I really wanted to meet him, talk with him and tell him about my literary projects, but also hear about his projects and concerns.

In this days Are and I talked a little becauseI found her on Telegram - you know, that semmaging platform that seems to be growing and pushing WhatsApp out of the way a bit - and it turned out that my beloved friend Shimmy was having some issues with his job situation. There might be a bunch of reasons for the crazy unstability he was experiencing (and he has been experiencing the oddest spell of work instability for a while now), and she told me he needed chearing up. As easy as that, we decided to meet today for brunch.The place we selected is close to where I leave, and it's a quaint coffeeshop called Kawah Café. I love it not only for the beauty of its covered terrace and the soft peacefulness of the little garden, but also because if their dedication to their coffee. My friend Shimmy is quite a coffee connoisseur, so Are and I knew he was bound to love Kawah.

We met at 10 a.m., a more than perfect time for a brunch, and ordered a traditional breakfast for Shimmy and two pinto-bowls for Are and I. Pinto us a traditional Costa Rican breakfast food where the rice and black beans are mixed together, cooked in a pan and seasoned with different thngs depending on the liking of people. It usually comes with some tortillas, one or two eggs, fresh cheese or fried chorizo (a sort of sausage), fried plátano (cooking banana) and sour cream or Lizano sauce (or both). In the bowl we had the pinto mixed with fresh, melted cheese, diced tomato, diced avocado and topped with a fried egg. It was to die for!

We had a wondeful chat about everything that has been going on in our lives, and when we talked about issues, we discussed some witchy ways and techniques to invite the good into our daily lives. I had picked a few crystals from my personal collection (not like I have any other collection, mind you), which I first have held in my hand to fill them with my love and good wishes, and suggested them a small ritual mostly inspired in Mercuralia and the realm under the control of Mercury. I know I see Mercury like the go-to-god for almost everything, but really, this was totally a work that fell square under his protection. I hope it will help them.

Source: Property of Stormberry
Our chat extended quite long, and since I had some courtesy movie tickets, we decided to cash some to go watch the movie Dark Phoenix. Yes, and X-Men movie, and I'm not a fan of X-Men. Truth to be told, the more I know and I get to know about the comic universe, I find that I am more and more a DC fan than a Marvel fan. The women are hotter, and the men are quite hot too. And now, with the new CW series of Batwoman with Ruby Rose I am head over heel.

I have heard bad reviews from most people about this movie - Dark Phoenix, not Batwoman! - and the people liking it didn't quite strike me as reliable, but I wanted to see the movie because of Sophie Turner - better known as Sansa - and boy she was hot! Michael Fassbender was there, and so was James McAvoy and Jennifer Lawrence, but I was actually watching only Sophie Turner. And she was hot. Other than that the movie sucked big time.

All the make up - both in mutant as in human form - was amateurish, and the costumes couldn't be cheaper or a worse fit. The story was weak and the point of yhe whole thing... well, there wa no point, only to see Sansa one last time.

Source: Property of Stormberry
After that, we went to have lunch-diner at an Asian restaurant called P.F.Chang's, that was a wondeful, wonderful experience. Both Are and Shimmy love Asian food - though in Are's case, she learned to love to as she started dating Shimmy. Their wedding, which is the most beautiful wedding I have ever attended, was also Asian themed - and they were taken off their feet with the kindness, the readiness, the presentation and the flavours of everything we've ordered.

Our "brunch" extended well into the early night, when we said good-byes after having poured out our hearts and filled them with friendly love and happiness.

It was so lovely to sit with them and feel like part of the family, sharing the food , joking, hugging and smiling big, open smiles. We have promised ourselves and each other to keep up the meetings. You see, life can be very, very busy and we can get easily overwhelmed, but if we make the purpose of breaking away a little slice of time to share with friend, and share the love, then the rest of our tasks and worries will be less. A smile in the heart and the memory of great time spent in the company of loved ones is always the best possible spell to cast over our days to make them brighter and better.

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