Sep 8, 2006

Dear Snyegi,

No, I actually haven't really decided yet on the name you will have, but we will be back on that later on. Ilja is a name I like, or Igor, but that's only because I'm reading « L'Empire des Anges » of Bernard Werber. Then, I gara admit, I have a thing for Russian men. They thrill me.

I wonder now if you would like me to introduce myself.

This is not my first blog or online-journal. I have done my share of damage already in, and it's safe to say I had enough of it. Well, maybe not as much of the livejournal itself as of the people reading my entries.

There is something inherently bounding when you start a blog or an online journal or such: You are expected to remain all your life in that very same « tendency ». I have to admit that, though I do have some permanent tendencies, such as my writing hobby and my love for politics and economics, topics are not something I can be passionate all my life.

When I started my first lj, it was under the name of lockythebunny. I started it on the insistence of a friend of mine... or more like an acquintance. I used to write fanfiction, and she wanted me to post them on Internet. It's a long story.

So I did, but I started using the lj more like a journal. However, eventually there was a lot of people reading my daily load of pre-coffee stupidities (Pre-Coffee Stupidities: All the idiotic things that leave your mouth before the first sip of coffee enters your system and you officially wake up to a new day... and waaaay too many explanations to give.), and making all kinds of comments. I don't mind that, I mean IF I'm publishing my journal, people is entitled to comment all they want, right? So, no biggie. The problem was when I was posting on some of the difficulties to get things done "PROPERLY AND RIGHT" here at the office and people's comments were on the line of:

"Yeah, sad. So, when are you updating « Insanity »?"

It's not their fault, but I don't have to take it either. So I decided to escape here.

I still have no idea how this bloggie thing actually works or how do you advertise your journal... and not even sure if I wish to do so.

So far, this is me, and I hope we will get along fine.

I have called You "Snyegi", which makes not much sense as it's like the very incorrect way of saying "snows" (snow inplural) in Russian, when I meant something like "Little Snow", or "Havacska."

Yeah, I like Havacska. It's Hungarian and I'm Hungarian. ^_^ I like it. Do you like it as well?

Ilja Havacska. Snyegi for friends. ^_^

Yes, I'm childish for some things. This is how I start things: naming them.

I'll see you... tomorrow or on Monday.


~ Buranaberry

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