Mar 26, 2008

In the Middle of Misery

Why is it that when you discover that you CAN’T access something, like your facebook, or your blog, you have the compulsive need to write into it? I tell you, it has been WEEKS since I last wrote, and now, as my friend Dragonfly told me at 06:30 hours that nor the Facebook, nor the Blogger was working because our genius technicians had, once again blocked them, I just had the compulsive desire to sit down and start pouring my heart into it. And what do I have to say, when I had said nothing for so long?

You can take the Person out of the Krumggory, but You can't take the Krumggory out of the person. Something are meant to Stay.

I wrote that into my message in the MSN. A coworker of mine asked me later:

„What’s ’krumggory’?”

What was I supposed to say? „It’s a word I made up to designate the pairing Viktor Krum/Cedric Diggory for those who read and write fiction depicting these two in some kind of sexual relationship, either stable or random. Naturally, since only I use it, the term is applied to fics were loads of exceedingly graphic sex happens. How exceedingly graphic? Let’s put it this way: it took me two chapters to depict sex between them... and it was only the first round out of four. Then again that’s nothing. Once I wrote a 27 page sex scene. (I always brag with that, but then again, who has ever beat me to that one?)” That would be unlikely, so I answered:

„It’s a word I made up.”

It’s true. It’s also the esence of how I communicate: I can’t tell the truth, but since I can’t lie either, I always talk in half words and half truths.


Cyn lend me a cd with music of Edith Piaf. I can't even start descrubing the feeling of that. I flew in the office singing aloud "La Foule", "Je Ne Regrette Rien", "Milord !", "La Vie en Rose" and many others. Her voice has something that pulls me and makes me want to cry crushed under the strong passion her songs hone inside me.

I love Edith Piaf.


Against my better judgement, I started writing a "proposal" for the sequel of "With Caution". Okay, it's called a "fanfic", which I had properly disclaimed. I signed it also with my fickie penname: Yami no Tsubasa. Caroll and I decided we both will write a proposal about what we thing should be the Rhys/Sterling relationship. Why? At least I don't want to wait until J.D. Langley finished the book, plus I'm positive I can write something better. It's coming out nice.

... the Krumggory IS taking over me. Really. Searching for fics again and rereading my stuff? Plotting new plots and PWPs? Oh dear... why am I so weak when it comes to hot, European blokes?

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