Mar 4, 2008

Pheromones in the Air

Let's just lay off a few odd things. It was kind of uncomfortable to get "instant karma" yesterday as I was made talk to Eric. Ouch... talk about awkward. Why? Well, try this:
  1. Step One: You think he's fake and a joke.
  2. Step Two: You tell him he's fake, religious-like maniac about "Dr. Covey" and a "formula person".
  3. Step Three: the pretty much only time when he does talk about himself and what he does and what he likes you laugh at him and lable what he holds good and pure as an act of selfish god-complex, paired with a comment hinting that there's no behavior in the world more unspeakable and low as that.
  4. Step Four: he pays your beer and your Don Julio tequila, which has already made him swallow hard. (Okay, he offered, but I might just abused of his offer...)
  5. Step Five: after he even drove you to the bus stop, kissed you in the cheek and inspite of all the ill comments YOU made there was some laughing, all it comes to your mind is send him an SMS telling him "it was great" and that you are "sorry IF you made him feel awkward"?
Bitch, hand me over that "Best Apologizer of the Millenium" Award. Damned, not only I'm mean and unapologizing, but even when I try to apologize, I just can't do it right. So, thing is that I was trying to contact these Franklin Covey people to see if there was something from them I could pull a profit from. Yes, the right word is "beneficiate from", but I like the other way better. So I scouted their site, checked on things and they are so fucking hermetic a single coke blurp would destroy their system. So I located the stuff that could hold some interest for me and then called to ask questions. I have not taken in consideration that they would transfer my call to Eric. Shit, I almost screamed: "NO!!! Hold on! I'm not interested anyway!!!" So I was made talk to Eric. Fuck, his strong accent is even worst on the phone... So, what to do? I started with a smiley

"Worry not! I'm out of bad things to say!"

Oh well, FC has absolutely nothing else to offer me. They won't surrender the stuff I want, and what they can offer is either too catchy for my liking or just more of the "Stephen Covey's Church" shit. So, that's out of my scope. Hopefully the "Liljenstople file" will also be closed with this. Still yesterday some things kelt falling into place about Friday night, things that are just too complicated and too "sitcom-like" for me to enjoy. For the fucking shit, really, how in the fucking hell do men fucking dare to fucking say women can't speak directly? Thez speak in fucking RIDDLES!!! The ACT in fucking RIDDLES!!! How in the fucking HELL am I to fucking know what the FUCK do they fucking want? Do people actually get satisfied with random teasing and pointless dalliances? I know I do it for evil purposes, to exercise my control upon other, but --- oh. Um. Fuck. Good one. Could have been better, though. It is stupid to exercise your capabilities on a subject you can't measure.

Through the day-- how can I express this properly. Yesterday I had been often reassured of one thing: I'm beautiful. Over and over I had it pointed out, and I don't mean the cat-calling men do to random hotties on the street, I mean men I know let me know on one way or another that, yes, I'm a looker. Usually I take these comments in the bad way. It takes a very talented man to make me appreciate a comment about my looks or my brain. Sorry "you are a beautiful woman" leaves me cold. "Would you like to comment some other feature of mine? Such as 'you have five fingers in each hand'?". However, yesterday I was surprised by the amount of times I was told, and the way it was said and the people who said it. They were all men from whom I absolutely didn't expect it. Oh, I see where this is going: what was I wearing? Opaque black stockings, black skirt, black vest and tiny floral printed shirt. I looked preppy. But it wasn't the clothing, because similar things had been happening, and it isn't either just me overproducing pheromones, because I've been receiving comments from across the ocean.

I think it is the weather and it is raining men.

^_^ Well, no, seriously. It seems to me it answers to this general "pack behavior" I suspect people have. Have you ever noticed that you can spend seasons with no approaches from the opposite sex (I have no idea if it works the same way withthe same sex), perhaps with one "kill" here and another there, and then, periodically, they start to rain on you. The guy yho has never said a word to you, that you thought was the less interested subject, makes the comment "you are that kind of attractive woman, who can have anyone she wants. It's difficult to approach you.". Or one I received recently "I'm one of the Super Friends. I'm the Hollow Man because nobody sees me. Unlike you. You get constantly noticed". Yes, it was meant "looks-wise". The stare at your clivage... and I'm a flat chested woman, the stare at your legs with such an obsessive intensity you know it's making him feel even more awkward than you feel, as if you were some sort of highly addictive drug. The sudden stop or confusion in the guy's line of thought when you do the slightest movement, and either he saw something fascinating like a bit deeper down your clivage or more skin on your back, or a little bit more of leg, or an expression in your face... and he has to "reset" his mind because the groin-system took over for a moment.

This brough to my mind a question: do men are sensitive to scents? I know we women are, or at least I am to a very ridiculous level, where you become primal about a scent. It is outrageous to admit it, but, yes, it is like in the AXE advertizing: the right scent can make you wild. There is something about men wearing certain scents, that want to make you cling to his neck and inhale him, but if you do, the more you spend inhaling the scent, the wilder you get, until you are getting wet with all kinds of wicked thoughts. You want to lick him, suck him, fill your cheeks with his flesh and feel the alcoholic, burning, hot esence of the scent against your soft, wet part. (inside your mouth, thank you.)

Does this happen to men, or they are only visual?

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