May 26, 2010

Rain and Me

It's raining. I wouldn't mind that fact much - I would actually love it - except that it started REALLY raining when I was out doing office errands. Now my trousers are wet from the knee down, and the sleeves of my shirt are wet also, and to say that it's driving me mad, would be an understatement. I wish right now for nothing else but to take my clothes off and wait for them to dry. Hate the feeling of wet clothes!

After getting to the office, peeling back by bright aqua-green raincoat and putting my things down, I went to the bathroom, where I stood with my scarf tied as a skirt around my hips for I don't know how long trying to dry my shoes, socks and trousers, all the while cursing for not taking my rubber boots for the trip. Should have. That way at least my shoes and socks would have been saved. Oh well. Now I have to wait for my normally steaming-hot office to do the magic and dry my clothes. (Oddly, either I am losing sensitivity on my legs or I feel my pants... dry.)

This thing, by the way, is a curse I have. You see, no matter what, but during the rainy season at least once I get SOAKED while wearing pants. Have gotten soaked in dresses (actually remember getting soaked wet in a Benetton dress, which I was able to fully dry under the hand drier!), but always-always get soaked at least once while wearing pants. Then again, it could have been worse, it could have been jeans. Now that would have been really unfortunate.

In moments like this I also mind not having a desk top, as CPU's are awesome drying devices. Oh well, the UPS will have to do it.

I'd love to be home right now, wearing dry, comfy clothes, drinking coke and watching TV, or answering letters from my friends (which reminds me that I'm stuck with another letter again! But this time ain't because I've no idea how to answer it, but rather because I've like so much to answer to it! It's turning into a Coppernican Letter!), and stuff like that. The other day I wanted, but like really wanted to read a manga I haven't read in ages, called "Only the Ring Finger Knows"... or something like that. I checked where I keep my mangas (which is now  everywhere I used to keep my books, since basically all my books have been shipped to Hungary, and I don't want my folks to see my room empty and feel that I will leave anytime now, even if that could be the case), and it wasn't there. Checked up and down and all the way around and nothing. So I came to the conclusion that we packed it and it's now in Hungary. I've been re-reading again all my yaoi mangas and pretty much read them all... again, so I was looking for something I haven't read recently. Anything. Okay, anything but Ororon (good art, stupid plot), Paradise Kiss (interesting plot, but that doesn't make it good), Mars (good art, corny plot), Angel Sanctuary (awesome art, good plot until it nukes the fride, or like I say 'brings back the Winchester'), Candidate for Goddess (I really gara get rid of that), Petshop of Horrors (I went on a speckof hope that never came through. Gara get rid of that), King of Hell... Chuck! I have a lot of mangas to get rid of!

Anyways, it happens that today in the morning, I spotted it! Yep, there it was, the manga, in yet another shelve. Right now I'd love to go home and read it. Well, truth is that I just wanna feel comfortable and be a bit lazy. Rain, whether on me or not, always invites me to be lazy. What does it do to you?

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