Apr 7, 2012

Thought of the Minute: Peace Out and Let It Go

You can't avoid it, it often happens, that something or someone gets under your skin. Someone treats you unfairly, someone insults you, someone aggravates you, and even - yes, it happens as well - someone behaves like you've wounded them mortally or insulted them deeply when all you did was simply be honest. Yes, sorry, you didn't know that you should lie to someone about the actual way those clothes look on them, or that you weren't supposed to act like you are not impressed by the achievements of their children, even though you wouldn't even notice them if they bit you on the ass.

People is people and we all live in tiny, little, individual capsules called "head". We see the world through two tiny peepers called "eyes", and though some can also immerse themselves in the world that surrounds the vessel they use as world-transport  - commonly known as "body" - many still live inside the "body" and don't realize the effect they have on other people traveling in other bodies. Yes, intendedly or unintendedly, we hurt each other and are hurt by each other.

Today, in this short post, I'd like you to take a moment -  in or out of your head - to meditate, to slow down, to let it go. Jesus Christ was also subjected to injuries and unfairness, He was hurt and crucified by those with far more sins and far more guilt than He. And yet he forgave them all, He let it go, He slumbered and then came back, strong and perfect, and joined His Father in Heaven. Whatever is your religion or your believe, when the burden is hard - and do we know how these injuries can nag at our soul! - bawl, cry, scream, talk it out of your system until your face is blue... but talk it out, don't let the poison take over you. Then, when you have worn off the poison the injury put in you, sit back, meditate, calm yourself, find peace, take the time you need, breathe, connect with The Divine - whatever you choose to call Him/Her/It - ... and then come back, stronger than ever, ready to take on the world knowing that you are full of the Divine Energy, the Holy Spirit, Prana, Chi, Universe... You are one with The Undefeatable, The Eternal and thus shall prevail.

Blessings for All.

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