Nov 11, 2008

The Bill

Bill. What a lovely thing it is... or not? It depends on the eye of the beholder, one would say, or on the end of the stick you are. For once, we have a lovely "Bill" in the famous character Bill Weasley, who recently popped up in my late-birthday-present, as a very, very suggestive and lovely addition to an already enticing Turked-up Snockhart combination, something I have not seen in ages. It put a few ideas in my head, which doesn't really concern me now (I've been trying to lay off fanfics for waaaay too long now), since I really have no time, and because, really, me finishing a fanfic? (Though I was thinking of it as an addition to The Peacock fic, which is already in process, and which could be tied to What Starts Bad, Ends Bad... if I want that much complication in my life, which I don't.) We had also a lovely, lovely "Secret Admirer" game some months back. Yeah, months, where I kept Carrie guessing who could the Secret Admirer be. (I myself didn't knew until the last moment, since I was playing the character from our different fronts. At the end, when I was left with only two, I decided that if she, playing the Severus Snape character, answered before her birthday, I would make the Secret Admirer Remus, her ultimate favorite. Since she didn't answer before, I picked Bill. Uhhh... not like he's a second best, but recently, in relation with--- let's not go there, okay?)

There are less amenable bills, such as the bills that the lawmakers try to pass. Such are the bailout bill, or the free trade agreements, some acts and amendments, such as that disgusting Amendment 8, which should have never been passed, but then again also nice bills, like... well, I'm not a lawyer and I can't recall them all, but sure there are some very nice bills. Not lately, no, I give you that, but there are nice bills. In Costa Rica, for instance, there's a bill to punish the damage dealt by car accident like a crime. Yes, it's amazing, but in here, so far if you kill or mame someone in a car accident you merely pay a fine and that's it. I know cases of people who have run over people and kill them and pay $2000 and that's it. Two weeks ago a lawmaker, Ovidio Agüero, killed a young man who was driving his bike along the road. The lawmaker was drunk off is ass and simply ran over him. It seems he had also killed someone in 91 also in a car accident, and also while driving drunk. In 11 years he had also accumulated 24 traffic tickets. He shielded himself in the immunity of this position and pretended to have the charges dropped, which would have passed if the family and the media wouldn't have done so much noise about the case. (The media is helping to make noise on this matter basically because the area affected is very poor, and after the Referendum fiasco and all the dirt that has come up about the president, they urgently need to win the favor of the people and put distance between themselves and the Government.)

Allegedly, he has resigned to his immunity due to pressure, and hopefully the legislation will come to full rigor soon, so he will be processed in a case of murder.

That, you see, is a good bill. Hopefully people will start thinking twice before drinking and driving. It also fucks up the pretty funny plot my friends and I had about how to get rid of unpleasant people by driving over them and then soak ourselves in alcohol so it would definitivelly look like an accident, and not like what it was: murder. Oh come on! It's just a mind game, and don't dare to tell me you have never thought about it. Besides, before you tag me as a murderer, my favorite mind game is medieval, so no tagging me for the murders you have commited or the one's you find no culprit for. Besides, those good and juicy ones are going into a book! Like I'll let anyone just take profit from my really, really good ideas!

But let's go back to the bills.

Oh yes, we have also those bills, which we rather wouldn't have to see. There are good bills, like the banknotes or simply bills, which we simply call "cash" when we have them. Well, I never have any cash on me, and if I have it they are called "coins" rather than "bills". There are the other bills, like the electricity bill, the gas bill, the phone bills (which we know oh-so-well), Internet bills... These are less liked. Companies also have a "billing" department where all these bills are manufactured, and all kinds of seminars and standards tall about the "quality of the bill" and consider stuff like "simplicity", "complete information", "understandable", "pleasing to the eye"... Let's be honest, the only way in which the client would really be happy with the bill and would love it is if there where no bill. Why do you think there's so many people going for prepaid? (No, that's not the real reason, or I have no idea, since I have no study at my hands as I write.) People hate bills. Well, maybe not the "bill" per se, but having to pay it.

There are also other kind of bills, but of a more... "trascendental" nature. Some people call it "karma", others "consequences", others "I told you so!". I simply call it "ha-ha!". Evidently, this ended up being about our favorite character: the boss, or simply, Mr.B.

Mr. B never really had what it takes to be a boss. He didn't actually realize that he had a responsability with the area under his care. He thought being a boss was merely a matter of power, of authority. He believed in the free lunch. Bigger paycheck and people to do the job for him. Well, not really, Mr. B. Though he had a taste early this year about the inconveniences of being a boss, he thought that once his position was officialized, he was going to become He-Man, Lion-O, Batman and also turn into Super Saiyan. Well, it didn't happen. But he do believed he was and it pissed him off when the herd complained (the herd being poor lil' me) because he was the big kahuna and the real slim shady, and people had to resolve their problems by their own because he was the boss and was very busy and all he cared about was people doing what they were asked to do. Lack of clarity about his role and the whole shebang also kept him for being able to tell apart his job from that of the herd, so he threw all he could to the herd and kept the stuff he thought he could handle. Let's not go into one of the biggest mistakes of the procedure: the failure to cover up for his bluffing. Dude, you gara do that when you have a herd from hell, like he did.

Anyway, against the advise of the herd he added a new sheep, Mr. LD. From day one it was problem on top of problem with him, but he didn't move fast enough, stubbornly wished to stand against the original herd and tried to see "the good side" on LD, and defended it, even if such "good side" was non-existant. He went against the Original Herd. At one point, when he could no longer see the good side of LD and he could no longer fool himself thinking that LD would change and adapt and work with him (yes, totally delusional, and I'm the certified looney here), he tried to get rid of him, but it was way too late. He was stuck with a LEMON. So he tried to work around it, accepting his low quality work, in which he had to contribute in order to make SOMETHING out of it. Good thing I knew to keep my tongue, unlike I did with Ivan and the wine...

Then things got really thick, and then some. The were filed complaints, which escalated and detonated irrational shoutings which had yet unseen effects (which certainly wouldn't be pleasant to Mr.B's current, feable situation), and then in the middle of the war, LD decided to leave the ship since he would loose some of his benefits, but not without claiming, completely unlawfully, a laptop for himself. NOTE: assets, though placed under the responsability of the employees, are property of the area, not the user. The Original Herd made truce with LD given a series of "unfortunate" events which only came to support their complaint (a complaint abaout security suddenly reinforced when burglary occurs in the building), and out of the blue, Mr.B find himself now really holding the shortest stick, where his unsubordinated LD threatens him with suing him and taking him to the court if he doesn't let him take the laptop with him, saying that his is in a very poor shape and he needs a good computer, completely ignoring the fact that the area receiving him should provide him with the equipment, and also that the laptop is of the area, not his.

The quarrels are ever so funny to witnes. Hahaha! None of them is able to make a sound case, since they keep running in circles around the same fraying arguments. I would like to call my boss and tell him: "Just tell him that you are in no position to let him take the assets because those belong to the area, not to him, and that yes, the company should provide him the tools of work, which will be responsability of the new area where he's going. Then again, if he would like to keep his assets, he should remain in this area". Normally I would, but since he will vent with me and I'll have to sit through his irrational bitching about why people don't place themselves in his shoes (dream answer: "I would, but I'm not into doing cosplay") and fencing all kinds of kiddy excuses and so many paralel and unrelated stories as fanfics made of LOTR.

Besides, given the thanks I have received from his side, I'm done helping him out with my advise. It's time he try to resolve his life and problems on his own. Naturally, I won't be lenient, I won't be easy and I won't shoulder stuff to aid him. If he wants this, he will have the full weight of it, while I keep excelling at doing MY job.

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