Nov 24, 2008


I should be working on my boss' job. Yep, make him a brief on two hideous briefs sent to him to counter the brief I do. Well, the brief was all done: nothing to say except that it's CRAP. I can't possible brief the nothing. The documents are un-briefable. Totally. Things like this make me wonder how is it possible that so much imbecility happens upon this world. I mean, how come someone so incompetent actually survive? Don't believe me? Well, let me make you an interpretation to ... something... rather "daily" so everybody gets it.

Brief: The Life Quality of Werewolves Today.

Executive Brief: we wil analize the behavior of lycans during the hunting season.

Brief: wolfie people: 63
Transformations: 8 one Friday, 5 one Monday, 36 Tuesdays.
They usually transform at 6 pm but in this moth they transformed once at 7 pm and once at 5 pm.

Conclusions: they maybe should stop goofing around because that keeps the neighbours up.

Wait, that actually makes more sense than the brief I'm trying to portray.

Anyway, I'm taking a break from making my boss' answer to the memo and the briefs.

There's this guy, RD, who's writing to me lately, and whom I've offended. Yeah, odd, right? Me offending people. It was kind of like he sent me a mail with bits and pieces that sounded rather "pre-cooked". It was way too... hn, how can I explain this? It was an archetypical mail intended to sound interesting and smart, yet saying absolutely nothing. Evidently I thought it was one out of two chances: either it was a scam or it was some lame dude thinking I was some impressionable bimbo who would ohhh and ahhhh about some oh-wow story snipet. So before smaking him good-bye and laugh in his face, I decided to dig a little and get a bit of information. Maybe it was someone playing "safe". I tried to get info, inviting him to tell me a bit about the only thing that really matters to me... in the cyber-world: the human side of the other end. Nothing. He was playing safe, and being a safe. Fuck, why some people is so fucking selfish? "I want to know all about you, but I'll tell you nothing about me". "You give me all the info I want, but no asking me jack, because I won't give you anything". Don't these people realize how dehumanizing such a behavior is? Sorry, this is a person, not a machine and certainly not a celebrity. I write for MYSELF, not for you, so stop pretending you have rights over my information! So I decided to profit from the situation doing a little thing I enjoy doing and used the information sent over to build up a profile about the "the other end". Kind of like profiling a character for a story, or like I said to a dude I picked up once at a bar: it's like playing "Criminal Minds".

I sent him the profiling I did of him. Middle aged guy who might be around 30-40 with a mentality younger than his age, clearly behind in his emotional development regarding his physical age. In other words, I called him "immature", or "childish. Mature man playing the part of a late teen.

He answered with snipets of his life. Well, he's 54, so I missed him by ... 14 years, but that makes him all the more immature, to my still standing characterization, overly normal acording to a professional criteria, and doesn't judge and thinks judging without knowing is "ignorant and rude". Yes, that was a blow, which I received with an arched eyebrow. I wouldn't say it was uncalled for, because I do realize I was harsh, to say the least, and down right mean if you wish to call it that way. I didn't act out of evil intentions to hurt though, even if that sounds incredibly "Sarah Palin". First of all, define "judge". If you say "judge" is equal to "condemn" as good or bad without plenty evidence, it might be ignorant. But if you call "judge" to label and categorize something, well that's the way we take hold of the world and understand it.

What do you do to understand something? You don't invent new words for each new phenomenon, but as you try to explain it in order to understand it, you must compare it with some preexisting knowledge frame. Knowledge and understanding is dynamic. You change your perception or reinforce it according to the information the given phenomenon provides you with. Some signs can lead you to a mistake, but the constant observation and correcting can improve the knowledge and slowly lead us towards a fuller fact, with perceptions closer to it, or so to say: a truer-truth. A more realistic truth.

Is that wrong? Is that ignorant? Is that rude? But of course it's not. It's human. RD's comment, at the same time made me think about us, mankind. Yes, "judgment" is considered an evil thing, a rude, nasty thing even though everybody does it. Why is it so bad? It ain't bad doing it, judging the world around us, but what the society disapproves is the "voicing" of your results. Why is so? I believe that's because people wish to live their lives seeing only the ideal image they have built up about themselves, and the "judgment" of others shatters that image. Again, usually the weaklings, trained by society to have low self esteem and self image, which can be molded by tormenting them with the vision of the "herd". Judgment, as long as it goes against their image, is a form of social punishment. At the same time, being society the one entity with the lowest self- esteem of all, any negative judgment dents it, reacting so in a repressing way.

Society isn't perfect, people ain't perfect and "judging" is actually our tool to keep both in constant dynamism in order to achieve higher and higher levels. Never perfection, for perfection is usually a death trap, but towards improved solutions that wonder one way and then the other fitting the soul of the herd. However this would mean the shattering and moving of structures, and both people and society hardly are fine with such solutions. A shattering instead of being seen as a "move to a bigger, fitter shirt" is seen as a "mistake made", and that's horrifying. Why? Because our whole upbringing makes us believe that a mistake is a failure and failures make us "unfit". A mistake is just a mistake. A mistake is like a sickness. You get sick, you get cured. Well, you make a mistake, you fix it. Really, what's the big deal about it? But mistakes are seen as unforgivable flaws that fuck up the entire thing. Then, of course, pile mistake upon mistake making it then really into what was feared in the first place. Judgment is shut because it would be the way to realize that it's kind of fucked up, and that's unafordable and each time it becomes less and less affordable because so many things and mistakes are built upon it that changing becomes taxative.

The solution is ... bravery. I think people and societies as well should learn to practice self-judgment, and not be afraid of making mistakes. Check what you are doing, and if you took a wrong decision or made a mistakes, fix it before you go on. Why is it so hard to understand?

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