Nov 3, 2008

Original or Extra Crispy?

Mwa-hahahahahahahaha! Great news! First of all, yeah, I was given the permission to do take time for the thesis (six hours a week, taken every Friday. Now I have to explain to my boss, that 6 hours are NOT from noon to four-thirty-six, but from ten-thirty-six to four-thirty-six. For an engineer he really has no sustainable relationship with basic maths... or he's trying to trick me. (Like I can be tricked with something like that. Watch and learn.) Anyway, it comes with very good timing, since this Friday Mile & I are going to Chomes and then to Chira Island to start putting together the Diagnosis Chapter. One more step towards completition! One more step forward! ^_^ It makes me so happy!! Weeee! I talked to my friend Cyn and she'll help me get through the red tape of the Statistic Bureau to get the data on the Islands, both Chira and Venado, which are our objects of study, so that we can put together the official framework existing on the islands and their habitants as well as regarding the socio-economical conditions. The idea is actually to know whether the Government chooses to acknoledge the level of poverty in which this people is living, if they know but do nothing, or if they don't even measure it up. Aside, just a note, in these days the papers said that the people living in poverty grew 20% since last year. I don't wanna be an "I told you so" kind of person, but is this what people expected with the CAFTA? Well, there's more of the same coming!

I was talking with this lady from work, who kept me for quite a long time talking about "change", which I wasn't interested in the least, and she kept me too long out of my cubicle and all, anyway, she mentioned that a lot of people are suspicious and scared about "the change" because people here speak about "the change", but no one says what's gonna change. There's "change" which will be a "big change", and in the higher spheres people speak about "painful change". Well, that rings bells, and I'd says, it sounds for many as "getting fired" bells. Now, I won't talk here about fair and unfair, but I'll talk about ugly, and nasty words such as "rational thinking" and "reality". Let's start with the fact that the company does have a lot of fat to shave off. There are a lot of unnecesary levels and unnecesary people and areas that only duplicate the job, and don't even do it right. Then, usually if one does it right, the other one overcomes it. It is the Reign of the Imbecile. Plain and simple. Well, hopefully, with the competition, that will have to come to an end, unless there are plans to send the whole industry into the sewer.

First of all, DEAR CUSTOMERS, if you delusionally THINK that with the competition you'll get a better service, KEEP DREAMING! You'll get more advertizing, more spamming on your accounts, but Customer Care will keep it's remarkable job at nor caring for you. The service platforms might be filled with young, busty girls, but none of them will smile at you, treat you right or solve your problems. They are not there for that. They are there to fill paper work, chat and keep you from getting a discount of getting a better plan. The idea is for you to pay more and stop bugging people as if you had rights. Dear Customer, get used to this: your rights with the company are FINISHED the moment you subscribe the service. From then on, you are "caught", and you better not miss a payment.

Low fares? Keep dreaming. They are all gone and part of the "good ol' days". But you get killer fares at Roaming? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You think you'll have money to travel after you pay your bills? Why? Plan to rob a bank? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah... maybe you still find something that hasn't been smoked up by the crisis. You know, in these days not even crime pays.

Anyway, bad for the customer, bad for the criminal. What about the company workers? Well, if the thing about the "change", and particularly the "big and painful change" comes true and it means layoffs, the rational thing would be to lay off the middle levels, since those do nothing. They are overpaid, and I believe those would hardly take it nicely to get the payment reduced and sent to the gallows, or down to row with the rest of the slaves. I mean, after watching LD suffer so terribly for it... ^_^ Now, if the company isn't rational and decides to make it up by laying off slaves, well, they'll have to lay off a lot of us to make up in cost what it would be laying off a few useless middle levels. The company, of course, would end up either rehiring us or filing bankrupcy due to the utter inability to support itself, OR it would "offshore" the services of the slaves to cheaper slaves, like India and so on. Then again, there are things for which they'll need people right here, so... not available.

Anyway, what's so bad if they lay us off? Nothing. The competition is coming, and guess who will be hired to start on the spot, not even five minutes given to take a break? Us. But not any of us, the best of us. So, if you are a good worker, if you know what you are doing, how to do it, how to get it done, and you are fully capacitated to do it, even with a proper academical background for it, then yes, you are set to go. They will be looking for people who know the business. Sorry to tell, but we will become hot commodities. So, the company want's to lay us off? Do it! Just let me think in what do I want to spend all that money that I'll get for it. Once I finish with the thesis, truth to be told, being laid off would be a HUGE BLESSING! Grab me money, buy an apartment on the XIIth district in Budapest, go get a job there... be happy and live modestly in a tiny, tiny apartment I can actually clean (very important! I won't be cleaning more than one bathroom, and I won't clean more than one little room, one little living and one little kitchen! Okay, I can take a hallway, but that's it!)... But, okay, back to the life of normal slaves, you get fired and the competition will be lining up for you. Hell, they may even send someone to help you pack and ask you what color do you want your furniture, offer you travels abroad, and all that for you expertise, your knowledge on the market. I mean, I have on my back five years of savvy any enterprise would kill for, rest assured of that, not to mention my biggest asset: I'm good at what I do. Organized, swift, creative, speak several languages, proactive when it's due to be proactive and reactive for risky or legal aspects. I just don't take unnecesary risks, and that's thanks to what I've learned from my dear lawyer friends. My current boss would say that I'm negative and have objections to everything. I do. I object mindless projects, and I definitively oppose working without solid data and safety nets. Sorry, I'm ethical about my job. I do not fabricate data, nor I waste time running estimations upon fabricated facts and hearsays. If I were, I would already planned up a longdistance call package for UFOs. ^_^

But what happens with all those who are used to the good life of a typical public employee, who moves not for nothing, does nothing, comes and goes as he or she pleases and picks up the paychecks? The people who has surfed through the years by not doing their job, but fabricating excuses to explain why, who had made everybody used to get from them only the poorest quality work ever, who has made a career bluffing, lying, fabricating data and having others do their job? Those who hopped around stealing other people's work? Well, either they won't get hired by the competition, and if they do, they won't last. Oh, yes, and the private sector ain't like the public one: people DO GET FIRED. Like for real. No moving around from department to department. No, they get fired.

So, if you are good, why should you fear? But if you are bad... well, maybe there's still something you can do. The men could go work as security guards and the women as whores. Or they can all go clean buildings.

Well, this brings me to the second good news of the day: in 15 days LD will be gone, gone, gone! He's lookign for a new place to go, allegedly because there's this ruling, that people over paid for their position will be submitted to a paycheck adequation. LD used to be an Agency Manager, but now he's a slave down here "rowing". Okay, he doesn't even does that, and if I were my boss, I would have sent him back in the first available chance, OR, if I was made keep him, I'd taken every single chance in the book to fire him, and trust me, he would have gotten fired. Anyway, I'd noticed that he has been looking for around a week or two now, and he doesn't really seem like finding anything so far. Well, he has gotten a lawsuit on his back, he's well known for being a lazy ass, and unless he gets a friend to get him to a chief position, which he's looking for, he simply will have to take the paycheck adequation. I hope he simply goes away, fast. But if he doesn't, I'll have to sit down and talk to the boss about why and how to fire his ass.

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