Nov 21, 2008

Costa Rica, The Nightmare

Short and to the point. If you still think that there's something good about Costa Rica, think twice. My friend Hans and I got robbed at gun point not 55 yards from my place. I live in a very, very homey, almost rural part of the city. You'd say is an old Pop's and Ma kind of neighbourhood, were people pretty much know each other and all. Well, this wastes of humanity are getting all the way here from the slums they inhabit and rip off working people.

Hans remembers them better. I remember a grey, oversized sweater, a light colored baseball cap and the gun. I'm not a gun conaisseur, but upon looking at the googled up pictures, the gun looks a lot like a colt 45 peacemaker, all in metal, no wood or rubber ... handle. It looked old, kinda battered and ugly. It wasn't a nice piece and looked somewhat crooked. The metal itself was rather light, almost as if it were made out of aluminium.

Today, at 6 am, when my dad and I went to pick up my nephew, there was an OIJ squad and lots of cars in my brother's neighbourhood. They were going to arrest some people who are part of a violent crime band.

The president talks and talks about peace and shit, but he does nothing. Truth is that since he has stepped into the power, things have been going from bad to worse. People get killed on the streets for a mobile phone. People is being snatched from the street, beaten up, raped, robbed, and forced to give up passwords and PIN codes of all credit and debit cards.

Things are getting out of hand, and sorry, but I don't want to stay to see the end of this.

1 comment:

Storm Bunny said...

Eso es por decir lo menos! Ayer estaba viendo las noticias y era esa cantidad de gente muerta, asaltos, bajonazos. Seis personas muertas la noche de antier, el atleta especial al que le hicieron el bajonazo, la balacera en Plaza Rohmoser... simplemente ya es demasiado. Creo que esto tambiés es seňal de cuánto ha decaído nuestro terruňo. Y lo peor es que ni con el hampa a la puerta de la casa del presidente va a hacer este NADA para normalizar las cosas.

Creo que si esto sigue así, es probable que la gente pronto se empiece a armar y empiezen a ajusticiar ladrones... y eso sólo va a empeorar las cosas.