Jan 9, 2008

Bill to Keep Severaly Mentally Ill from buying Guns

... okay, up to this morning I thought the stupidest thing in the world was my boss, but then I was proved wrong. I check the news and what do I see in my Washington Post? President Bush signs a bipartisan legislation to forbid guns to be sold to "severaly mentally ill" people. Okay, does that mean that up to this day even the looney, craziest motherfucker in the States could buy a gun? Just like that? Geez, I'm surprised there's still people living there! According to the article, this has been result of the Virginia Tech shooting.

I would like to know what it takes for the Government of the United States to understand that the problem with violence is that everybody is armed. So letting people keep their guns or, okay, only the not-so-looney ones is not the solution. Not only the crazy people kill, for as far as I know, the sane people tend to kill more. Kill, wound, threaten... And then, "severaly mentally ill" is not an exact measure but a subjective measurement that can vary from psychatrist to psychiatrist. The solution would be, in my opinion, to ban all guns save the ones used by the police or sport, but otherwise, people should not be allowed to have guns or any kind of weapon. And if the issue here is the right of people to be safe, well, that's what the police is for. They should make better security policies, apply the Law better, pro-citizen and have efective enforcement, but while people is allowed to own guns, people will be dying in violent, senseless ways.

Today another article said that the U.S. has slipped to the last position regarding health care among the 19 most industrialized countries. First, I wonder which would be it's position compared with all the countries in the world, and Hyne forbid, if it finds itself behind one or more "developing" countries. Second, the thought that comes to mind is how the U.S. is slipping. The currency falters, its trust is broken, health is broken, education levels are broken, poverty, hunger, violence infest it like a disease... what is left soon, but a large expense of land arid, abused and maybe even sickened under the polution, the toxic substances and the asphalt and concrete poured onto it. And this is the "Great Muscle", the "Great World Power"? If it is so, I can't but feel pity for the world.

I can't help but ask again, when will people take back the control that has been so bravely conquered by the French Revolution, fought for in so many countries, in so many ways, Hyne, remember Chicago and the women who died for equity, remember so many brave Union workers who gave their lives against Ford! Was the democracy of the world expected, the Soviet Shadow's fall awaited so that men would be sold like cattle to the new power-lords? This disgusting breed of brainless dictators?

We are men. We are human. We are not like this.

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