Jan 29, 2008

How Involved Do We Want to Be? In What?

Keeping up with the topic of the "lack of involvement" and the indifference, I would like to take this in a few different lines.

So, yesterday I was bitching about L'Arche de Zoé and what they do. Oh, I know, I'm such an evil person for pointing fingers at humanitarian causes such as this. Or is it that I am ignorant, selfish, or some other gathering, proper world to say "she talks shit about stuff she knows nothing about"? Yeah, yeah... keep on if that makes you happy. There are many organizations in the world trying to make a difference, and with not much impact, I would say. Okay, let's consider only the good guys, so terrorists, really, keep out of this ranking. It's not so much a matter, of how involved people are in a matter, but what's that matter? How are things executed in order to achieve the best result? Which are the consequences and how will these be dealt to minimize possible negative outcomes? Yes, I think children should be kept safe, their lives should not be threatened, their futures should not be put on stake. I believe the elderly have the right to live, to be saved, to enjoy the best life quality that can be given to people. I believe in the equal rights of men and women and that skin color, ethnia, language, nationality, religion, culture... these are not obstacles to be useful, to be considered human and treated as such. I do object, in many cases, the "how". How things are done to achieve a given goal. Do the means justify the goal? Damn it, it's not a matter of machiavelism, but a matter of "are these the best means to achieve the goal you are looking for?".

Many of these big, international organizations must think a little bit about it, because they do have a wonderful intentions, but somewhere in the delievery things just fuck up and their good deeds end up making only more damage. However, they have something others don't: a Goal. They are foccused. This is not everything, but it's a big chunk of everything. Naturally, there are no International Organizations of Something We Don't Know Yet, But It's Still Big Enough to Demand Your Energy. People do these by their own. Big, international organizations have a purpose, a focus, but people, as they go by in their lives, not always have it. Or they have a hazy goal, or a stupid goal that's really unachievable, or a total waste of time, and they pour their energy into it, empty themselves into these utterly pointless, useless enterprises and then come out bitter. (Yes, I know, no more L'Arche de Zoé bitching.) Why do I bring this up? Well, due to a neverending matter that's horrifyingly common to people: we just like to get tangled in shit that doesn't worth it. As a milestone for these kinds of cases I always bring up a group of people I used to know, who gathered because of a common interest (some kind of Japanese pop art), but ended up wrapped in personal issues, inner wars based solely on things that really weren't that much of a deal. Who dates who, who says what to whom, who did what... The typical group issues. Pity crap that lurks where peopel really have nothing to do or aren't willing to do what they are supposed to.

Well, this kind of behavior is not only seen in social groups and clubs. It's sad to say so, but you can also find it in the office... like mine. Now, one would say that at the office it is expected that people have a clear goal and know where to focus their efforts, but sadly ... that's not the case. Though there are specific goals to achieve, and quite clear, if I may add, people seem more interested in what others do and how they can fuck up (in the bad sense) each other. Interpersonal problems, vendettas that use the very job, or the wrongdoing of it as a weapon... In here it seems that the only one actually doing something in their field are the Human Resources guys, and it ain't like they do much, but they are the "lawyers" to determinate what and how much can be done. Yes, I've been subject to these maneuverings, since last year when my moving to here were on discussion, and I had to overcome the ill intentions of my former boss at fucking up with my chances to get to a better place, as well as his pity attempts at fuking up with my peace of mind through my vacations. But then, things done, you concentrate on your job, right? Wrong. Some people in here are absolutely obssessed over other people and their desire to see them suffer. Why? Beats me.


In what are you getting involved? Does it worth it? And even when you know it doesn't and the things you do to achieve your "goal" are not working and you "goal" is completely unrealistic, why in the fucking hell won't you just stop?

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