Sep 1, 2008

6 Minute Entry

Long time no write, huh? Well, don't expect much now, since I'm in the last 6... make that 5 minutes of work left and as soon as the clock hits the 16:36 mark I'm so out of here! (16:36??? Yes, 16:36. It's real. Why? They wanna fuck with us. What can I say? I actually used to have a boss who did made sure people didn't leave before 16:36. The motherfucker, I know. Well, this is the kind of things you can only see in the Government, where people is generally so STUPID to do what they were hired to do that they take their precious time making sure they find some way to be a pain in the ass and pretend that's work. Oh yeah, now you see why there's people against telenetworking, and why there's people pressing for telenetnowrking to be in such a fashion that telenetworkers are FORCED to log in at a given time and log out at a given time.)

Gara Go!

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