Sep 10, 2008

Mah Dream Phone

Phones and I have a very particular relationship, you see. Even though I work at a telco, and I worked for the longest time at the Mobile Division (until some smart ass thought there was no need for "product-lead divisions") I always had difficulty deciding which is the coolest phone for my taste. I've seen the longest parade of mobile phones ever, either because my coworkers had the compulsive need to change their phones every three months (while people in the country change it every 18 months, 12 months for the more "hip"), or because we had presentations and pilot plans with all kinds of ne devices. Slowly these toys and thingies, which capture everybody's attention, started to leave me cold, much like it happened with cash after I worked at the bank. No matter what new, fancy little feature they had, it wasn't that much of a deal for me. Even when the iPhone made a hit, for me it was a slab, a flat, glass-like brick that disn't do much for me. Sure, I used it in a fic titled "Scholomance" (really cool), but still, it wasn't mah ride. I wanted something in the line of the blackberry's but without looking like I was talking to a notebook.

I first noticed this handsome contraption in the movie "The Devil Wears Prada". May, I wanted that cute little phone Andrea was carrying around! Tried to read the brand but there was none. Oh, what should I do? I have this Sony Ericsson thingie... of which I have seen at least FIVE in the office, same color and all, and I'm not much attached to it. Works better than my useless iPod, that's for sure, and it's my first clam-phone... and I'm not crazy for clam phones. I bought it as my "emergency situation" phone, since I lost my phone on the plane in Caracas... so I do needed something to communicate, and this was like the first, cheapest thing available that had what I needed. However, even before I bought it I made plans to change it for something much more to my liking (which includes all features in Hungarian) on December when I go home. But what was I going to purchase for meself? ^_^ Now I know: Andy's phone. ^_^

To my delight, I discovered that I can actually personalize the skin of my sidekick with an online tool, which I just did, as you can see in the picture above. You don't have to like it, but I LOVE IT!

I guess this means I've found my phone.

1 comment:

Storm Bunny said...

I know! And it becomes far more exciting when you can personalize the skin of your sidekick! And for $15 you can bet your money that I'd be personalizing a small army of Skins once I get my hands on this beauty!