Sep 3, 2008

An Interesting Blog, All In All

Since Yesterday I was thinking about this subject I wish to talk about, "what is being the best", but before I even start on that, I'd like to recommend a very interesting blotg I just happened upon this morning. This would be Erin Brockovich's Blog. Yes, the real Erin, not Julia Roberts. In the pictures she doesn't look half as trashy as Ms. Roberts did in the movie, but you van still see some of that. Maybe this is the case where "you can get the girl out of the trash, but you can't get the trash out of the girl". Makes you wonder, what's that one thing that can't be taken out of you, even if you remove yourself out of it.

Anyway, the trashy-lady is some big name now (hopefully she did go to the University and has her legal papers in order), and has gone still on the line of pointing her finger against big, harmful enterprises. The topic of the hexavalent chromium is something you will find scattered all over the place. Hey, it was the star of the movie! Anyways, there's this matter about Gardasil. What the fuck is that? Well, if you have cabel tv, like I do, and you watch American channels, like I do (the ones all in English with all the advertizing in English... save now that AMNET has decided to stick his nose in it and puts it's tacky commercials there... it's so disturbing...), you may have seen the advertising of a vaccine called "Gardasil". The idea behind it is to prevent HPV. No, not HIV, HPV, which stands for Human Papillomavirus. What's that? It's a sexually transmitted disease where the sexual organs get some very unpretty looking warts all over. In the case of women, this virus is quite dangerous, since if it gets to the cervix, it can produce or develop cervical cancer. Unpretty, huh? It ain't so bad for men, they just get the warts in the worst of cases.

Well, seeing how bad this is, Merck, Sharp and Dhome developped this Gardasil vaccine so women get protected from this virus. If you check with the FDA, the vaccine is approved and recommended to prevent the virus. Then you check with Ms. Brockovich and you find that Gardasil ain't that good at all. It does not prevent cervical cancer as it advertises, and add to it, it is dangerous. It is killing or maiming girls. Add to the good news, according to her, there's this fine piece of legislation being currently analyzed (or so I gathered) where there will be a roof put to the amount on demands that can be asked for in the cases of lawsuits against farmaceuticals for damages. What does that mean? It means that in a country like the U.S. where you are made paid LOADS of money for medical services and medications, if it turns out that the medications were making you sick, and you sue the company and you manage to win, they won't pay you back all you spent for their fault on doctors, medications and Hyne knows what else. No, they have a max summ they will pay you, and that's it. Dandy, huh?

Then again... is it true? It would certainly need more investigation, into which I have no time now whatsoever, but it is an interesting point. Perhaps someone would find other interesting things in her blog...

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