Sep 2, 2008

Some Have No Shame

Politics. This one is about politics, but I promise to keep it short! Ain't much what I have to say, because from politics it will flow into sex. Oh, don't give me that look! Sex and politics are far more interrelated (much to my regret) that you would think. So, how are we rocking this? Well class, please open your CNN news mail of the day and pick that funky little link about John McCain and Sarah Palin, you know, Sen. McCain's handpicked running mate for vicepresident. What about then? Well, it happens that Sen. Palin has this daughter, Bristol, 17 years old, who is pregnant. Yeah, another unmaried, knocked up teen. Everybody knows that Sen. McCain and Sen. Palin are Republican's right? The ultra conservative "we hate gays and everything that is not puritan christian" party, right? Well, imagine the shock of the party and the people when they found out that the POTENTIAL VICE PRESIDENT has such little control over her own family that she let her teen girl (with a name that sound more like a farmaceutical brand than a human name) get pregnant! and she's unmarried. Oh, but the papers made SURE to say that the baby's father WILL marry Bristol. Well, with a whole party making pressure over them, the poor fucker will have no other choice.

Trying to get a positive out of this, some lawmakers and senators that this actually make the Republican party more... "American" and brings it closer to the real life. Why? The Republican Party was far from America before? They pretended to live in an alternate universe? and they wanted to regulate the U.S, in this universe? Oh, how odd is that! Don't you find it so?

Look people, Bristol got horny, got a men and fucked. For some unknown reason, either they didn't used protection or the rubber was defective, or whatever method they where using made them part of "that other" percentage that doesn't get what they paid for. The kid, in a really stupid move, decided to keep the baby. Either she was forced to because an abortion would be a bigger scandal, or because ... who knows? She's 17 and it's her life being fucked up, not mine. And whatever circumstances that kid is coming to this world, well, it's their shit, not mine. I do believe the girl is way too young and she should have an abortion, both for herself and for the baby. Kids just don't deserve to have unprepared parents who might just blame them for cutting their lives and depriving them from a lot of cool experiences. Because lets be real: did Bristol wanted to become a mom at 17? I kinda doubt it a lot, but then again, today's youth is coming out really stupid, so maybe she does think she wants to be a mom. So why did she had sex? Well, dude, why do all of us have sex? Because it fucking feels good! Because it is tha shit! Yeah, yeah, some people do it to breed more people into this already overpopulated planet, but the vast majority of people fuck because it feels good.

Will her family support her? Well, the senator lady just gave birth to a Down syndrome child, and they are in campaing right now, so... it's gonna be a tough call.

However, one thing that surprised me is that this woman, Sen. Palin, representing Alaska (to my imperferct knowledge) said that the kind of sexual education she believes in and she supports is abstinence-only. Well, no fucking wonder her daughter got knocked up. Abstinence-only is a primitive, antinatural way of thinking where the point is to satanize (sorry, that's that they do) and supress a perfectly natural human instinct. There's no talk about contraceptive methods because "that puts ideas into kids". No condom giving away, because that's like giving kids a ticket to have sex. Give me a break. When people feel likt having sex, they WILL have sex, so, ain't better if they know how to protect themselves? Because Bristol only got pregnant, and she should consider herself lucky. What would have happened if she gets AIDS? So lets get a few things clear:
  1. "virginity" IS NOT a "virtue". A virtue is a good feature of of you, like being hard working, honest, positive, respectful, gently, kind, tolerant, loving, capable of defending what you believe in.
  2. Sex is not a dirty, bad thing, nor it is a sign of love. It is a antural instinct present in several species, ours among them, that may or may not end in pregnancy.
  3. In a world of information, denying information is not a way to prevent something. People may go around it and find out things the bad way.
  4. There's a reason for education, and that is to educate people. If you don't teach kids about proper safe sex, where do you expect them to learn that? At the church?
The topic of virginity always makes me mad. Why to prize a condition that will not come back, when there's notthing to it? Virginity is like a brand of "still in the box toy". So yeah, a virgin has never had sex. Shall we also prize analphabets because they have never been teached to read and write? Shall we prize people who only speak one language because they have never learned another? Shall we prize unexperienced people because they have never worked? Shall we prize the first instants of a baby before it's fed because it had never been fed before? Virginity was, back in the day a value assigned to women, because women were seen as only good for bearing children, and a "used" woman could be bearing the child of someone else. Besides, a virgin is ignorant, so a virgin has no way to compare the sex she or he receives. Is it good, is it bad, can something else be done? Virginity is a seal to make sure your purchase will not turn back on you and tell you that you are a lousy fuck.

Has someone ever thought about what happens when the virginity is gone? Because at one point it has to be gone, and then what? A fuck and the person is worthless? No more value? No more "virtue"? Why to place the worth of a person on a condition that can be taken by someone else, which you can't make grow, enhance and learn from it?

While the people don't fucking understant that sex and who we fuck do not define us, while we don't learn that education and access to information makes us better and eases our life, while we don't learn to tolerate others, respect others, respectr opinions, allow others to make decisions and until we don't understand that we live our lives only, not the lives of others, and others can't live our lives, then we will still have mistakes like that of Bristol, we will have horrors, misunderstanding and a long line of problems for which we already have the tools to correct.

It is not a matter of whether Sen. Palin is fit to be a vice president, it's a matter of people seeing in her and her family what a close minded attitude can provoque. When you vote, America, do not forget Bristol Pailn. Lo there your future.

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