Oct 17, 2008


First of all, if you are reading this through the FB: sorry I have not been able to connect lately to it, so of course it's kinda neglected, but I really won't connect to the FB at 23:46 when I gara wake up at 05:00 the next day, so that ain't happening, homie! And why am I getting home so late? Dude, blame that on the men.

BTW, I did went to the movies on Wednesday, to watch "Eagle Eye" for the second time in a row. I loved it. At the movies I ran into Heidy and her friend, who took their seats at the movie theatre at 18:09 when their movie was to start at 18:45. Reason? They wanted to "EAT". Hmmm... I've heard that one already. My movie was also due to 18:45, so I went first windowshopping, stopping at a Tommy Hilfiger Contemporary to check on a nice blouse. Maybe I would have bought it, but it had a terrible back. I mean, it was nice and the concept was cool (save that they only had sheer-transparent-white and navy-blue), but the back was so badly done it created a HUGE bubble into which you could fit a backpack. So, of course I didn't buy it.

This time around, I ACTUALLY paid attention to a few interesting details of the movie. Among them it caught my attention that the name of the FBI agent is THOMAS while out hero's name is Jerry. Tom & Jerry. Add to it, Mr. Thornton is greying and has this very thick black eyebrows, just like our Tom cat. Also, on a second review, you tend to catch the little details, and not so little that you missed the first time around. Plus, I stated for myself once again, that I love the scene where LaBeouf jumps on a table clad in police uniform, face casted down and shoots a few rounds into the ceiling. Hyne, I even find him hot lying on a non existing pool of blood between the seats and the table, on the floor, face down, with an incredibly poor effect on the blood matter. The way he's shot, how he falls... the way he asks to be killed when... I'm spoling, right? Anyway, I just love the way he looks in those scenes. His humanity, in my eyes is pumped up so much!

Love when he talks about Ethan, love when he tries to make his father understand that he has his own life. Love when he cires before the casket of Ethan, love when he smiles at the end, love when he thinks Rachel is going to smooch him, and you can see in his face that he goes there mentally and dies to do it and then... +_+ Yep, I love that kid, in that role. In any other? Most likely hate him.

One that should be driving me crazy is "Twighlight" where Pattinson acts, but it's doing nothing for me. It's a "oh, you again. Hi, I see you still have your maze-eyebrows. Good". Sorry, it's a phase I've already outgrown. Now, misunderstand me not, I still believe he's a looker, only... Well, his type just reached the Expiration Date with me. Besides, right now I like the more "human", more "real", more... well... roughed and therefore more prone to turn to basic human elements. In otherwords, who is more prone to drop the socially imposed masks to be a "natural man". Then again as you see both pictures, one next to the other, you'd say also that it's an Eyebrow Battle. The Iron Eyebrow. Who's Eyebrows will reign SUPREME. (And facial hair might be a welcomed chavalry...). Anyway, the Status Qvo currently is: LaBeouf ↑ Pattinson↓.

Yesterday my dear friend Kat sent me a little package to the office. She made me a small notepad pack of A4 sheets printed with little bunnies, and tied with a green ribbon. ^_^ I must say I'm touched. They are so perfect! Kat is a very, very creative and talented woman, who can do just about anything and does it beautifully. She told me this year, that she has decided to do all the presents she'll give to her friends and family this year. The idea is cool and due to it's implications (can made more eco-friendly things, make personalized, truly unique things, get them exactly what you want to give them) I was soon thinking the same: Dude! I could make the presents myself! How cool is that! Then I remembered that, for real, the only thing I do well is writing. What kind of present could I really make for my friends and family? Embroid them handkerchiefs? Write them a non-rhyming poem? Write them a story? Okay, that's one present down, BUT not everybody would be interested in reading a Snupin, or yet another Krumggory. Maybe I should stick to the good ol' shopping.

I'll let you know.

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