Oct 27, 2008

On the Wait

"Will we have 'white smoke'?"

The question caught me by surprise as well. What? What white smoke? My boss was staring at Kolja. I wondered if he thought I was still bitching about him being an HP, not like I wouldn't rather have a ThinkPad, but let's be honest, that's impossible, so an HP it is, deal with it, and I have.

"You do know what 'white smoke' is, right?"

I was five seconds away from answering one of the following:

"Of course! It's the filling of your skull!"
"I do. I'm just trying to figure out whether you ACTUALLY know what is it, or if you think it's some kind of 'eco-friendly' emission from a car."
"Do you?"
"No. I'm stuck on the Purple Haze."

Really. Well, he was asking about this project I call ISGA for myself, of which my boss knows that it "exists", but it has such a fancy name (International Standard General Analysis), he can't remember it. Well, we talked about it, and we went into a conversation of which I was left out in less than five minutes as my boss inhaled the toxic emissions of his own mind and drifted away in a cloud of examples and idea liaisons only he is able to follow. You know, the typical case of someone used to never being heard, that starts talking to himself until it forgets that PEOPLE DO NOT READ MINDS and so, in order to liaisons to be stablished they have to be exposed. So he drifted away merrily on his ... well, I wasn't even paying attention, particularly when he tried to give me a lesson on the relationship between quality and rentability, and I had to bite my tongue before asking him my trademark question: "Did you studied economics? No. Well, I did, so shut up, I know, you don't." I wonder if he actually think he's right and if he does believe he has something to teach me in my own area of expertise. BTW, his speech was eerily in the line of that annoying little man who tried to prove the relationship between Client Management and Profit thought correlation (or the lack of it) of financial indexes with the financial profit.

Question: is stupidity an obligatory requirement for chiefmanship?

It's just a question.

Oh yes, and btw, he's anti-semite. I have several friends who are antisemite, so it doesn't particularly upset me. In my eyes, people has the same right to hate, than the right they have to love. We are human, after all, and hate is a vital part of who we are. Anyway, today, after the mind drifting and trying to get a deadline from me (which I won't be as stupid as to give him, given the things that has happened before with deadlines), somehow things came to banks and stuff... and he was saying that all that was due to the Jews and that "some of that gas wasn't wasted".

I just comment, I don't judge.

I was talking to my friend Hans yesterday, commenting on common acquintances, people who is a royal pain in the ass and so, and at one point, I considered opening a Hi5 account to add him. He has no Facebook. Then I started thinking about it. The Hi5 is a youngster social network for the Seventeen and High School Musical minded ones. It's okay for the teens and the late teens, but for a "going 40" like me it's a bit ridiculous to get on it. What possible business do I have there? Linger with a bunch of kids? So the FB it is... which I still have to clean and trim and debug a little more. I still have 33 "friends" and they are not "my friends", they are not my "court", my "Community of the Chosen Ones", so I have to go over The List again and keep plucking out all of those that are not related to me. Hopefully I'll end up with 15 contacts max. Yes, unlike the trend, I like to keep my friend list very, very short.

I have another account, which I've got through great pains, which is the elusive iwiw, a Hungarian social website into which you have to be invited. My contacts are only 6. A nice number. ^_^ I hope I can keep it... or even lower it! The less contacts you have socially, the better. One thing is to have political contacts or career contacts, and there the more the merrier, but socially? No. For me the term "social butterfly" goes more on the line of "social whore", and social websites are full of these whores. Disgusting, don't you think? I rather keep the exclusivity, so I can also take better care of my beloved chosen ones.

I guess I'll be pulling out other social websites, such as barátikör and habostorta. But what about Hans? Well, I'll keep visiting him, calling him and chatting with him. So with Vic, whom I love and adore and with whom we laughed our heads off watching Jensen Ackles do the "Eyes of the Tiger" thing by the end of last weeks episode. Hahahahahahaha! Dude, that was hilarious! And BTW, Baby has LEGS! Both Vic and I were drooling like dogs when he grabbed his leg to play guitar on it.

On a side note: Hitting Bottom. Dude, some people have no dignity, and I believe they actually don't even know the word, or have never been introduced to it. There was this "mean sentence" I learned for French once which apply to this person: "The Reality and You don't get along well, right?" Well, sometimes lack of touch with reality (maybe he thinks "Reality" is a woman, and so he wouldn't be caught near her) provokes lack of dignity as well. And actually, how can you have dignity when you possess absolutely no sense of reality? What would be your referential point to have dignity?

I was showed the most pathetic letter ever written, and I would like to state the following: I have received letters and e-mails by Marie-Joséphine in a whining tone about "life is no life without you, and if you are no longer in my life, I may as well die". (Telling something like that to me earns a nice smile from me with a sweet wish: "may you succeed in all your projects ahead".) Anyway, the pleading note was filled with "I've told the girl repeatedly to invite you to my house", "I can't stand how you put 'anything' in the place I used to have" and "I regret not valueing the love and care you showed towards me". A lot of "please, please, be part of my life again, and make a part of yours", and "be part of my court of followers". Okay, REALITY CHECK: he has sent a lot of emissaries to Hans to ask him to talk to him. Hans has refused everyone of them, including me, and he loves me. REALITY CHECK: Hans has refused his pleading personally. REALITY CHECK: Hans has refused his many attempts through e-mail Hi5 and others.

So he fucked it up big time, and tried to apologize. No, wait. He fucked it, he apologized and Hans forgave him. He fucked it up again, he apologized and Hans forgave him again. He fucked it up AGAIN, he apologized and Hans forgave him AGAIN. He... (times n)... Well this time around Hans got fed up, read into the pattern and decided this wasn't going to change. So he wants him out of his life. The leech doesn't want to go. Man, how low self esteem and how little common sense one has to have to keep on going at it.

I mean, I have fucked it up pretty bad with people. Sometimes I leave it like that, go with the flow and let the contact go lost. It's a "like I care" and "go die where I won't smell the stench of your rotting carcass". Then, some I think "Okay, maybe XY is a nice person, let's try to fix it", and I go and offer to fix it. ONCE. I GO, I don't send emissaries like some cowards, spineless little shit, but I face my mess and go shovel in hand ready to clean it. If it doesn't work, then I just shrug my shoulders and "at least I tried" and I move on. If it works, dude, I try to be careful the next time around, and if I fuck it up again the second time, I just don't come back.

But then again, I define myself, I measure and value myself. I don't need other people to tell me what's my worth, and if they don't agree with the value I give to myself, that's much THEIR problem, not mine. My opinion is the only one that matters to me. However, not everybody is like that. Some people, like Mr. Maggot needs to be valued by everybody, and he actually needs desperately to be valued an AAA+ even though, truth to be told, he's worse than a subprime.

My valuation of him should not affect him, though I know it does and it can send him spiraling into the deepest pits of depression his pitiful self is capable of, and so Hans' valuation. However what he should, really take in consideration under threat of losing the respect of everybody around him, is that if Hans thinks poorly of him, and has repeatedly rejected him, then he's not welcomed, he's only generating more and more negative feelings and it could blast on his face.

Okay, he choses to live without dignity. Fine. But why can't he keep his disgusting self away from us, decent, self-loving people?

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