Nov 22, 2009

Bloggers for Animal Rights Awareness

Here I am, back again at the topic of Animal Rights Awareness. I'd like to recommend you all the posts some of my friends have made on the subject.

Victoria Ash "Az Állatokért", an entry in Hungarian I'd be happy to translate as soon as I get the "go". In her inspired words she tells us a story of abuse and saving.

We've Got Paper, "Astuce" , an adorable woman with a beautiful son, who made a corner for this topic, beautifully illustrated about animals and the care we should have with them.

Shotahunter, "About Animal Rights Y'All!!" , who wrote a beautiful entry, touching about the place of animals in our lives and also made some reasearch about ways to help them.

It makes me so happy to see my friends participating in this, helping to create awareness about animals and their right to be loved and cared for. I believe both writing and reading helps, because through both of them we can gain a bit of conscience about the things surrounding us, and hopefully so we will change our ways and be, just a bit more aware, pay a bit more of attention to those we might be hurting without realizing, to those we could help if we just make the effort.


Storm Bunny said...

Can't wait to read it, my friend! I'll be linking it up also, if you don't mind!

ohjoana said...

I did it too ^^

Storm Bunny said...

Oh Honey! I'll check your blog right away and add you in the next Animal Awareness Entry of the Series, okay? It is most important to me that people have more and more stories and points of view to read!!!