Nov 23, 2009

China Mines

So, China. Yeah, interesting country, rising economical power, or so people say. I'm still skeptic, for though it might be able to rise and buy wills, but then there come an article in the newspaper that leaves you wondering just how solid or how hollow the whole Chinese structure is. This time is coal mines. Yeah, you know, dangerous places, and not only because they make hideous movies with hot guys in there (such as "My Bloody Valentine". Mr. Ackles, really.), but because people like "die" in them. Oh, not talking about Das Kapital and the stories about the incipient, canibal, blind capitalism that sent six year old children into the mines to get coal and such, and got them killed in around 2 years or so; I'm talking about "modern" mines in present-day China, with people working in them and dying.

2007, August: 181 miners killed in a mining accident in Shandong.

2007, December: 105 miners killed in a mining accident in Shanxi.

2008: 3200 people killed in mining accidents according to state made (could there be more? It also makes 267 a month, or 9 people per day.)

2009, November: 140 miners killed (accounted so far) in Xinxing.

If this is the kind of country that will rise to be the next economical power of the world, what would it say about us?


Abril said...

Lo que presentas es la gran pregunta... crecimiento vs. libertad y derechos humanos...

Gran desarrollo pero a qué costo?

Un gran abrazo.

Storm Bunny said...

Este es sólo uno de los muchos cachitos del iceberg. La pregunta que siempre me pongo cuando oigo hablar de cómo China será la potencia mundial es cuál será el costo en vidas chinas. Ya en este momento están al límite, con gente pagando alquileres exorbitantes por vivir, literalmente en pequeñas jaulas de alambre en las que no se pueden poner de pie, en las que sólo caben para dormir, explotados, marginalizados por su propio gobierno, excluidos de los derechos humanos. Cómo van a soportar la presión de ser una potencia mundial cuando su población busca incesantemente escapar?