Dec 12, 2009

Facebook's Emotional Blackmail

Some days ago an acquintance from Twitter sent me an invite for an activity (being held as I write this post), which was anounced at a Facebook page. I closed my Facebook page several months ago because I came to deeply dislike their "all that's yours is no longer yours but mine" policy. It took me some time to close it since I kept in touch with a lot of people through it, plus I loved some of the apps, but it pissed me a lot to have my info sold for the profit of others, something unfair, specially wheh I'm bound to give truthful information (so that they can sell good data).

When I closed my account it upset me that I didn't really managed to erease my profile, as Facebook decided to keep everything "in case I change my mind". What a nerv!! So I can't take my data back? I can't actually erase my profile, no matter that that's what I want? No. Facebook will not let go of marketable assets. It also upset me then that I was requested to say why I was leaving, when I believe that's personal and they shouldn't be meddling in it. Then, if that wasn't enough, they added insult to injury by popping a prepared answer, an excuse from where I saw it, to whatever reason you pointed at.

Well, I walked out of it and this time, when I clicked on this invite, the page instantly opened up and showed me my profile, as if I have never left. I never got to the invite I was looking for, but got tangled in the Facebook, and so there I was cancelling the page all over again. Well, this time something changed, and that pissed me off for real. Facebook had the NERVE to show me the pictures of some of my friends who have Facebook and over each of them place a legend that said "Won't you miss...?" That was full blown cyber emotional blackmail. I couldn't believe they would use my friends to get me to stay so they can sell my info.

Again I was made to answer why I wanted to close my page, and I went rude, told them I dislike what they do and I simply want them to erase my profile. Not like they care, though, so I thought about telling people what goes on: Facebook doesn't really let your protect your info. You can filter visitors, but you can't prevent Facebook from selling your info. Once you put in your info, you can't erase it. I tried to punch out the info about my location, leave it blank, but that wasn't a chance. I had to put something. I tried to invent a place, write "Hell", but Facebook took the closest name from a town in Netherlands. Each app you agree into, each quizz, each of those things and games you are invited into are designed to syphon info from your profile, and now with the new app they've acquired, also from your computer and all your other accounts, and Hyne knows what else. So, my advise to everybody out there is: think twice before making a Facebook profile, and think about the info you put in there. Think that the info your place there is not only for other Facebook users to use, but also to be sold to companies, to make someone else rich at your expense.

Then, remember, Facebook is like Hotel California: "you can check in any time you want, but you can never leave".

1 comment:

Sartassa said...

I never thought it would be that way. I am a facebook member too since it is a great way to keep in touch with all my dear ones, but in time I changed my mind and I stopped playing all these games. You know, I am someone who easily gets addicted to that ;) haha
I hope that you'll fix the problem once again. good luck!