Dec 1, 2009


Perhaps it's time again to get on this "eternal" topic of mine (though maybe "recurrent" is a better suited adjective to it), but this was actually prompted by two separated episodes. The first "encounter of the second kind" was yesterday, before a meeting. A coworker and I went to this meeting (which ended up in a fight fiting in style with The Fight Club), and while we were waiting for the rest of the summoned employees to arrive (we were the first ones, basically because I dragged her ass there on time), this lady started talking to the people at that office whom she knew. To my amazement, her comment to those who came to talk to her were the same:

"Good Grace! You've got so fat!!"

Well, 1. Christmas time is here, and I don't know how it is in other parts of the world, but here (and in Hungary at least) the most delicious and fattening foods are prepared and consumed, and 2. What's her business what do they look like? Is she being paid for how thin they are? Did they ask for her opinion? It did was shocking, to say the least, but hey, she ain't known for minding her own business or being tactful arounf others (even though she claims to be so). She and another colleague of ours are overly wrapped around the idea of being thin. Dieting, competing to see who loses more weight, pulling every trick in the business and stopping short from getting liposuctions for Christmas. All that mindless search for thinness (regarded as the ideal of phisical perfection) leads them both nowhere. At one point I started considering yesterday to prepare them a card or some letter showing them a picture of Marilyn Monroe and another of a prisoner of a Concentration Camp to shake them off.

The second "encounter" with the topic was through a letter from my friend Sartassa, who added this topic to her latest e-mail. In her e-mail (and I'm free-quoting her here, though I have not asked for her permission... ^_~ you don't mind, do you?) she talked about how some food actually make people happy, noodles and chocolate toping the list. Gara say, I totally agree with her. After all, doesn't a bit of your favorite chocolate brighten your day, or the thought of a bowl filled woth warm gnoccis in tomato sauce and LOADS of freshly shredded mozzarella cheese, or ricotta cheese filled ravioli make your day? It sure makes mine! (I think onigiris and sushi should also be added to happy-food.) So, following the trascendental philosophy of my friend, why on Earth would you deny yourself a bite at happiness? I mean, not like food is the ONLY source of happiness, but it's one of them, and when you CLEARLY want it, crave it and feel it would be good for you, why do you say no? It's not like you are needing cocaine or something, it's food, and food is good. People work for food and shelter, so why would it be bad?

Thinness won't make you prettier or happier for that matter. Thinness can kill you. Canelloni don't. Thinness abuses of your body. Chocolate don't. Thinness brings a great deal of problems to your health and life in general. Spaghetti don't. I'm not telling you to be fat and pig out, I'm telling your to be... you. Your body has a natural shape and a natural weight, so let it reach it. It will change with the years, because that's part of getting older, which is also a normal thing. After all, trying to keep yourself young won't keep you from dying, nor will it make you "sexy". Trying to stay young past your youth will only make you look stupid in the best of cases and pathetic in the most of them.

I looked up for a few pictures of Marilyn Monroe on the net. Up to this day she's still being considered one of the sexiest women in history and the sexiest woman of the XXth Century. Please take a look at her body. She wasn't skinny. She was a size 10 when a size 10 was really a size 10 (today it's like a size 14-16). That body was the body of a perfect woman, desirable in every way. Curvy, full, womanly. Please, take a good look at her and take a good look at yourself. Are you trying to become a sick little person or do you wanna be who you are? Are you ugly and fat or are you actually desirable?

It the end, it's no about making yourself into a Marilyn Monroe, or "finding the Marilyn in you", but to realize that the world is flimsy and it will always find something "imperfect" in you, something to criticize. You've got to grow above it and realize that the only opinion that matters is YOURS, and tell all those poiting fingers at you to shove it. Be happy, eat what you want and as much as you want, pursue your happiness because nobody is going to do it for you.

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