Dec 18, 2009

Officially on Vacations

This is my last entry from Costa Rica, and since I've to board my plane in 7 minutes I'll keep it short. Not like I've much to say, though, I'm simply going home for three wonderful weeks and I can't wait to be there. ^_^ Kari is being such a dear, doing all the groceries, and calling the cleaning lady to clean up the apartment (probably so that I don't see the mess in which he lives, and therefore I don't give him a piece of my mind about why things should be left in museum-like reverence once I have ordered them), got out to get me my cereal (do you know there's no actual Hungarian word for "cereal" as in Corn Flakes, Cheerios, Rice Crispies and such? Hungarians don't eat cereals... it's madness for me), got me Heineken, icecream...

For the first time in my life, I'm at the VIP Lounge, where for straight 20 minutes I wasn't able to get on the Internet. However I've been nursing my Jack Daniels on the rocks and feeling great. The little nerves and bothering feelings I had at the begining finished when I finally got my luggage checked in, even if for the first time in my life I was made pay for teh overweight. $50 for 4 Kg. Yeah, outrageous. Specially when I've made it with far more than that before. I mean, two pieces of luggage and 4 Kg extra in total. Hn, something tells me those electronical weighting machines are scarmbled. I mean, yes that's the real weight of my luggage (or something like that, though today they seemed a bit lighter, though I took nothing from them), but it always shows less and I always manage to pull my luck and get away with murder.

Time to go now!


ohjoana said...

I hope you have a wonderful time in your vacation ^^ and Merry Christmas by the way.

Yous asked me the link to that guy who told those things about gay people, I cans end you it, but in a private message, can you give me your e-mail or something like that? Do you have interpal account?

Sartassa said...

haha in case that it's really you who brings the snow to central Europe I want to thank you a lot! I hope you spend some really nice days in Hungary, and please stay till Christmas, the weather forecast said that the snow's going to melt on Wednesday ...
